The ship captain and his wife said they went to Chaco to buy a mobile home, not to take the child

The ship captain and his wife said they went to Chaco to buy a mobile home, not to take the child
The ship captain and his wife said they went to Chaco to buy a mobile home, not to take the child


GOYA, Corrientes (Special Envoy).- For Justice, one day after the disappearance of Loan Danilo Peña, retired ship captain Carlos Guido Pérez and his wife, former municipal official María Victoria Caillava, traveled to Resistencia to hand over the child five years to a trafficking network. They deny it: They maintain that they went to the capital of Chaco to buy a mobile home and to make a visit to the doctor.

This is what the marriage defense lawyer, Ernesto González, said. “They are both very concerned about Loan’s disappearance.”said the lawyer, before adding that the day after the boy was last seen in Nueve de Julio, Pérez and Caillava “traveled to Chaco to buy a mobile home” and for a medical appointment from the town’s former Production director.

On Thursday the 13th, the day of Loan’s disappearance, the Navy captain and the former official were part of the diners who had lunch at the house of Loan’s paternal grandmother, Catalina Peña, in the El Algarrobal area. They arrived in a Ford Ranger truck, where, according to the Corrientes Public Prosecutor’s Office, “traces of odor” from the five-year-old boy were found..

But Loan’s transfer to Chaco was not, according to investigators, in the 4×4 truck, but in a red Ford Ka car, owned by Caillava, where the child’s “smell trail” was “one hundred percent.” This was stated in a press conference by prosecutors Juan Carlos Castillo and Guillermo Barry, who until yesterday were in charge of the investigation.

The investigation is now being processed in federal jurisdiction.Alejandro Guyot

“My clients are going to specify the day, place and time of their movements. They went to the doctor because Caillava has health problems, and they bought the mobile home. They went in the car so as not to use so much gas with the truck. Either It helped them go to Chaco. They need time to calm down, yesterday they experienced a lot of tension and could not give a clear testimony”said González, according to the news agency NA.

How are your clients?he asked THE NATION to Gonzalez. “Since his arrest [el viernes pasado a la noche] Until last Sunday they had no contact with anyone. Around 4 p.m. they were able to speak with someone who was not a police authority. The interviews I had with them were limited; However, they were able to give me an overview of what happened on June 13. They showed their concern for Loan by asking me if they had found him and told me that they would collaborate with Justice at all times.. On the other hand, they told me that Carlos has health problems [presión arterial] and that he had to take his medications, which until today, June 25, have not been provided to him, despite having informed the police authorities and the intervening prosecutors,” he said.

Loan disappeared on Thursday the 13th of this month

–Prosecutors Castillo and Barry put Pérez as the “mastermind” of the disappearance and his wife as his second. What is your opinion of that accusation?

–I was very attentive to the press conference of prosecutors Castillo and Barry. Fulfilling their duty to ensure the correct course of the investigation, they were able to make the proposals made in the hearings on Monday, providing information to the extent possible. I have my reservations regarding the participation of Carlos and María Victoria in the event.. This is so because in the three hearings on Monday the prosecutors had to make clear and concise statements about the intervention of each of the accused, having to elaborate on the way in which each one intervened. The hearing to which I refer in this particular case is known in our Code of Procedure as the Formalization Hearing; in it the prosecutor must inform the accused of the fact for which he is present, the evidence he has and the legal qualification he attributes to that fact. In the opinion of this defense and of the official defense that assisted Commissioner Maciel, this story It was generic and imprecise, so it cannot be determined the exact way in which each of the accused allegedly intervened, resulting in the impossibility of Carlos and María Victoria being the main responsible..

–Are you satisfied with the decision to change the jurisdiction of the case? Why would a federal investigation be better and not one in provincial Justice?

–We are not exactly talking about a change of jurisdiction, but rather a unification of investigations. From the first days of Loan’s disappearance, Justice had intervention from both the provincial and federal courts; As a result of yesterday’s hearings, the Corrientes Justice decided to delegate the investigation in its entirety because it involved an alleged crime of human trafficking. I speak of assumption, since the process is in a primitive stage and the crime that is now attributed to Carlos and María Victoria as alleged perpetrators turns out to be a legal classification that can be modified, since now federal prosecutors and judges will have exclusive intervention, and may have a different opinion from that of prosecutors Barry and Castillo regarding the fact, its materiality, the participation of the accused or other people. It is logical that the investigation should be a single one in a single jurisdiction. With a single investigation, all the resources and means available could be concentrated to find Loan, who, as the prosecutors said in their press conference, is our guiding light.

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