Actions in schools for the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: Government of Mendoza Press

Actions in schools for the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: Government of Mendoza Press
Actions in schools for the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking: Government of Mendoza Press
Students from Mendoza high schools together with their teachers prepare activities linked to this important topic to reflect, discuss, seek information and raise awareness about care and preventive actions on different types of consumption.

The General Directorate of Schools (DGE), through Memorandum 04446518, invites all secondary schools to promote preventive activities within the framework of the International Day to Fight Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking, which is commemorated today, June 26th.

From the Program for the Prevention of Problematic Consumption, which is under the Directorate of School Support (DAE), the entire educational community is invited to make this day a reason for work, visibility and awareness in the tasks of prevention of consumption and in promoting care with students.

To this end, the DAE proposed to educational institutions an activity so that different actors from the secondary level community can develop in the classroom with students this week.

The school government maintains that addressing consumption prevention involves offering a broad and comprehensive perspective on health and care. It is also key to recognize ourselves as subjects immersed in a culture that favors a consumerist and commercial logic, in which the consumption of various objects and substances represents a way to achieve (supposed) success and a certain social belonging.

To address these issues in school, it is essential to ask about one’s own practices and representations in relation to consumption and its objects. Working on this topic involves opening questions and reflecting on the senses installed and the way in which we think about these problems.

In the current context, many adolescents and young people encounter a new type of consumption, which is not related to substances but can become problematic consumption. For this reason, it is essential to provide information to the educational community about the use of technologies and virtual betting, which is increasingly increasing worldwide.

It is worth recalling that, through Resolution 42/112, approved on December 7, 1987, the United Nations General Assembly decided to commemorate the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26. The goals are to promote a society free of drug abuse and illicit trafficking, to encourage the strengthening of international cooperation and to generate policies that counteract the influence of the illegal market for illicit substances.


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