“Ibagueres have been waiting for more than 30 years for the complementary aqueduct works,” insisted Councilor Andrés Zambrano.

“Ibagueres have been waiting for more than 30 years for the complementary aqueduct works,” insisted Councilor Andrés Zambrano.
“Ibagueres have been waiting for more than 30 years for the complementary aqueduct works,” insisted Councilor Andrés Zambrano.

The lobbyist was one of those who summoned Ibal on June 9 to a political control debate in the Ibagué Council.

For next July 9, starting at 7:00 in the morning, Ibal, the management of this municipal entity, was summoned to find out how the different infrastructure works for the city are going and other topics of interest to Ibaguereños .

This was indicated by the councilor of the Green Alliance Party, Andrés Zambrano, “We are going to ask several questions, such as how the city’s complementary aqueduct is going. Remember that this is a project that has been going on for 30 years and it has not been finished yet. All the administrations promise to finish it and they don’t finish it.”

The lobbyist recalled that they had first indicated, from the Ibal, with its manager, today suspended by the Municipal Person’s Office, that in August it would include the construction of the complementary aqueduct.

In addition, they will address issues such as the continuity and quality of the water supply in communes 7, 8 and 9 of Ibagué, as well as the operation of the Chembe plant, since according to the lobbyist, the inhabitants of Comuna Siete report that they continue to have problems of water, despite the inauguration of said plant.

“The inhabitants of Comuna Siete tell us that it seems that they had not inaugurated that plant because they continue with the same water problem, so all these situations internally, how Ibal is organized and so on, is what we want to ask the management of this entity.“said the Councilor of the Green Alliance Party.

Here we tell you: Suspension of the IBAL Manager by the Ibagué Ombudsman

Other questions asked by other lobbyists will be directed to management and will also cover the increase in staff and the salaries of contractors and officials of the entity.

Three councilors Javier Mora, William Rosas and Sandra Varón joined this debate, with a total of nearly 40 questions to the manager, which, according to Zambrano, arise from doubts and uncertainties regarding recent decisions of the entity, which have affected to both the corporation and the citizens.

“Practically, we are asking the manager absolutely everything, precisely because of the different doubts, because of the uncertainty with some decisions that have been made in recent times, which this has generated not only for the corporation but also for the people.”

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