Happy holidays of San Juan and San Pedro • La Nación

Happy holidays of San Juan and San Pedro • La Nación
Happy holidays of San Juan and San Pedro • La Nación

The Bambuco Festival in San Juan and San Pedro, which this year reaches its 63rd edition, is more than a festivity, it is a symbol of identity for the people of Huila and a cultural treasure for all of Colombia. This festival, which has evolved from its humble beginnings in colonial times to become an event of national and international renown, highlights the richness and diversity of our traditions, folklore and gastronomy.

The origin of the festival dates back to the rural celebrations of San Juan and the urban celebrations of San Pedro. Initially, families enjoyed walks to the river and traditional barbecues on June 24, while on June 29, horseback riding, popular games and festivities were held in the urban centers. Over time, these celebrations merged, giving rise to a festival that standardized the typical dresses, the choreography of the Sanjuanero Huilense and a series of events that today attract tourists from all over the country and abroad.

The Sanjuanero from Huila, with its emblematic dance, is the heart of the festival. This dance is not only an example of the skill and grace of the dancers, but also an expression of the Huila soul. The music and choreography, accompanied by colorful costumes, tell stories of love and peasant life that resonate in the heart of each viewer.

In addition to music and food, Huila offers a variety of tourist options. From rural tourism, which allows visitors to immerse themselves in peasant life, to religious tourism, with visits to sacred sites, adventure tourism, with activities such as rafting and hiking, archaeological tourism and our tropical dry forest. emblematic. Huila is a destination that enchants and surprises at every step.

Over the course of these 63 years, the Bambuco Festival has gone from being a local festival to an event of national and international importance. This growth has been possible thanks to the joint efforts of the community and the authorities. However, to continue this evolution, it is essential to train those who are part of the event: the float makers, the folkloric groups and the artisans. Professionalization and support for these key players are essential to maintain the quality and authenticity of the festival.

I call on the Departmental Government to strengthen Corposanpedro, transforming it into a corporation that operates throughout the year. It is vital that this entity articulates with the private sector to ensure the economic and cultural strengthening of the festivals.

I invite all Huilenses to preserve and promote our traditions. It is our responsibility to instill in future generations the value and importance of this heritage. The Bambuco Festival is not only a celebration, it is a heritage that we must keep alive and vibrant, so that it continues to be a symbol of pride and unity of this Huila Grande.

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