A warning is in effect for strong winds

A warning is in effect for strong winds
A warning is in effect for strong winds

In addition, the meteorological agency issued a alert for extreme cold and strong winds for five provinces. He also shared recommendations for this time of year.

Weather in Buenos Aires

According to the agency’s report, a mostly cloudy sky is expected on Friday in the early morning, somewhat cloudy in the morning, partially cloudy in the afternoon and clear at night. The temperature will not exceed 12° during the day.

The minimum forecast for today is 8°, and strong southerly winds are expected. The report indicates that “the area will be affected by winds from the southern sector, with speeds between 30 and 50 km/h and gusts that can reach 70 km/h.” The entry of cold air will mark a drop in temperatures for the weekend.

cloudy sky weather buenos aires 2022.jpg

Cloudy weather in the City of Buenos Aires.

He Saturday Clear skies are expected in the early morning and partly cloudy in the afternoon and evening, with temperatures between 3° and 9°. Meanwhile he Sunday Partially cloudy skies are anticipated throughout the day, with thermal marks that will range between 2° and 12°.

Extreme cold alert

The Meteorological Service maintains its warnings for this Friday due to the intense cold affecting several areas of the country. It indicates low extreme temperatures for areas in the center and south of the country.

He yellow alert reaches areas of saint Louiscenter and east of Chubutall Santa Cruz and Land of Fire. In this way, specialists warn that temperatures can impact the health of the populationespecially for risk groups, such as boys and girls, people over 65 years of age, with chronic diseases.

The agency recommends avoiding prolonged exposure to the cold outdoors. If you go out, cover yourself with many layers of light clothing to avoid sudden changes in temperature, as they can cause respiratory system diseases.


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