Ana Clara Romero: “I did not accompany Ganancias because equity must understand differences in the territories” – ADNSUR

Ana Clara Romero: “I did not accompany Ganancias because equity must understand differences in the territories” – ADNSUR
Ana Clara Romero: “I did not accompany Ganancias because equity must understand differences in the territories” – ADNSUR

After an uninterrupted session that lasted more than 15 hours, and six months of debate, the Chamber of Deputies approved early this Friday the Law Bases and Starting Points and the Fiscal Packageincluding the profit reversal for the fourth category.

The deputy for Chubut Ana Clara Romero, when speaking, he highlighted. ”Today the president achieves the Bases law and the Fiscal Package, and we have supported that project because we believe in the need for a change and to give tools to a government that arrives with parliamentary weakness but with an important legitimacy of origin in that 56% that voted for it,” he said.

And then he clarified “I did not support the chapter on Profits because equity must understand the differences between territories, and take into account that the Chubut workers who receive salaries covered by this tax have arduous work schedules, or as happened to hundreds of them on Tuesday, June 18, who spent more than 24 hours hungry and cold stranded on a road with 2 meters of snow, and I always understood that these situations required this consideration with a Patagonian differential that would cushion the impact on income that must face the highest costs of living in the country.”

Earnings are back: what are the main changes and who will have to pay the tax?

“The workers of Chubut who receive salaries reached by this tax have arduous work schedules.”

”In the same sense, it is necessary that there be a federal response, that National Roads, for example, has human and material resources to face these emergencies, because Argentines continue to expect security conditions from the State and because to grow we need to produce, and, have roads closed It affects all our productive activities and loss of income (tourism, oil, trade, etc.)”, he said.

And then, the national legislator stated that “clearly We do not want to return to the Kirchnerist populism that continues to leave my city as I showed you (photos of flooded streets), They do not have any authority to point the finger at anyone, and I know that this government took office only 6 months ago, but it is also true that this support that we have given is hopeful, but not a blank check, because we have to take care of the enormous effort by all Argentines, we need that effort to have a horizon, to be federal and to be valued responsibly by the President of the Nation.”

Chubut oil workers on the warpath against the income tax that Deputies will discuss tomorrow

Ana Clara: “We have to take care of the enormous effort of the Argentines”

“We do not have much room in this country, in our history, for another failure and we must be aware that no one can afford to waste this opportunity for Argentina to move forward,” he concluded.

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