This Friday the “Primatón” begins in Bogotá and in several cities of the country

This Friday the long-awaited “Primatón” begins in Bogotá and in the main cities of the country, an event that promises to be a milestone in Colombian commerce. Fenalco, the merchants’ union, has put all its expectations on this day of discounts, hoping to increase sales by at least 20% compared to the same period last year.

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A total of more than 1,200 brands have decided to participate in this initiative, offering significant discounts in key cities such as Bogotá, Medellín and Barranquilla. In the capital, both Gran San and Centro Comercial Neos have joined in with attractive offers both at retail and wholesale.

The “Primaton” is not only limited to discounts on products, but includes a wide range of additional benefits for consumers. According to Jaime Cabal, president of Fenalco, this day will have special promotions on various items that will be available both in physical stores and on online platforms. With more than 18,000 establishments enabled throughout the country, it is expected to meet high demand.

Fenalco emphasizes that this initiative is crucial to reactivate trade, which has been in decline for the last 17 months. The 1,200 participating brands have opened more than 18,000 points of sale, ready to offer competitive offers and capture the attention of buyers.

In addition to discounts, some stores have opted to extend their opening hours, allowing customers more time to take advantage of promotions. Shopping centers will also contribute special rates on parking lots, which will facilitate the shopping experience.

The “Primatón” will also include various additional activities that seek to attract families, turning the shopping day into an entertaining and complete experience. This combination of discounts, extended hours and additional activities promises to boost commerce throughout the country.

Expectations are high, and with over 1,200 brands involved, this is set to be one of the most successful discount days of the year. The participation of a wide variety of retailers and the inclusion of both physical and virtual channels ensure that no one is left without the opportunity to take advantage.

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