The evangelical pastor accused of abusing women in Santa Marta

The evangelical pastor accused of abusing women in Santa Marta
The evangelical pastor accused of abusing women in Santa Marta

The Christian community of Santa Marta is in a state of shock after hearing the stories of several women who claim to have been abused by Luis Fernando Ramón, pastor of a well-known evangelical church in the city.

According to the criteria of

The testimonies collected reveal a pattern of gender violence and abuse of power by the spiritual leader, leaving the congregation, with almost two thousand parishioners, deeply shaken.

According to the statements of the affected women, the pastor would have used his position to gain the trust of the women, taking advantage of them dishonestly and even committing acts of sexual abuse. The situation worsens because the pastor has compromising material, which has generated fear and insecurity among the complainants.

Action by the authorities

Given the seriousness of the cases, the facts, which were kept confidential for some time by the church, have already escalated to entities such as the Women’s Secretariat and human rights organizations.

These entities are offering psychological care and legal advice to affected women.

Pastor Luis Fernando Ramón was recognized for his work in the Magdalena Assembly.

Photo:Taken from social networks

Norma Vera, human rights defender, has taken up the matter, seeking legal and ethical avenues to bring justice and protect victims.

We are aiming for legal action to be taken. against this alleged pastor and that corrective measures are also taken within the church so that this case serves as a precedent to prevent future abuses by religious leaders,” said Norma Vera.

More than 40 women victims of the pastor

According to information documented in complaints filed with the Attorney General’s Office, it is estimated that, in the last five years, more than 40 women have been deceived and allegedly abused by Pastor Luis Fernando Ramón, leader of the GNG church.

I have all the evidence, I have audios and communications where he told me that he was going to finish me off in the midst of his pain. It is the fruit of a scorned woman who is not measuring the consequences.

“By 2023, the pastor was simultaneously involved in romantic relationships with more than 16 women,” the victims’ representative said.

Norma Vera details that the profile sought by the pastor within the congregation included women over 25 years of age, who were going through an emotional crisis or had emotional wounds, motivating them to find spiritual advice in him.

“This man listened to them, became their friend, and once he had gained their trust, he began to make highly sexual proposals accompanied by declarations of love,” Vera recounts.

Luis Fernando Ramón, pastor in Santa Marta.

Photo:Taken from social networks

Many of the victims remain anonymous because they belong to the church and for fear of social reproach.

“The impact on their spiritual, mental and physical lives has been devastating, with several women reporting anxiety attacks, depression, and other symptoms of post-traumatic stress,” said the human rights defender.

One of the most serious stories involves a woman who, after consuming a drink provided by the pastor, has no memory of how she ended up being sexually abused.

“He is a narcissistic, pathological person, a violent and abusive person against women,” described Norma Vera.

In response to these acts of abuse, complaints have been filed for the crimes of sexual intercourse against a person unable to resist, coercion and psychological violence against Luis Fernando Ramón.

Pastor claims he is being victimized by a jealous woman

In the midst of the scandal that has shaken the Christian community of Santa Marta, Pastor Luis Fernando Ramón decided to break the silence and tell his version of the events to EL TIEMPO.

The spiritual leader, accused of sexual abuse and gender violence by multiple women, admitted that, after separating from his wife, he had multiple romantic relationships, although he did not specify the exact number.

“I cannot ignore that yes, indeed, during a time in my life after my divorce, I had relationships with several women and there was sexual intimacy,” Ramón stated.

The pastor points to a woman in particular, an influencer with whom he had a relationship, as the person responsible for the accusations against him.

According to Ramón, this woman, upon discovering his other relationships through social networks, would have started a revenge campaign motivated by jealousy.

I have all the evidence, I have audios and communications where he told me that he was going to finish me off in the midst of his pain. It is the fruit of a scorned woman who is not measuring the consequences.

“I have all the evidence, I have audios and communications where he told me that he was going to end me in the midst of his pain. “It is the fruit of a spiteful woman who is not measuring consequences,” said the pastor.

Ramón says that the situation began to affect him emotionally at the beginning of this year, leading him to seek treatment in Bogotá due to depression he was suffering from.

During this period, she claims, the influencer collected testimonies from approximately eight women to support her accusations.

“I am full of slander, she incites women to denounce me with the intention of harming me. She has used her influence to expose me to public ridicule,” he denounced.

The pastor insists that the accusations are false and are part of a personal vendetta. Ramón admits that he went through a moment of weakness, but all the relationships he had were with the consent of the women who knew what they were going to agree to.

For all of the above, Luis Fernando Ramón announced that he will take legal action to defend himself and clear his name.

He also apologized to his congregation in a video, in which he expressed his commitment to continue working on its restoration.

“I apologize to my church and I have told them that, although I returned, I will remain separated, carrying out a process of personal and spiritual restoration,” he concluded.

Affectation to the Christian church

The impact on the congregation has been profound, generating an atmosphere of tension, sadness and desolation among parishioners.

A church member, who preferred to remain anonymous, offered a moving testimony about the current situation within the congregation. “In our environment the atmosphere has been very tense, there is a lot of sadness, people say that they feel very bad, they feel very devastated,” he said.

The witness noted that the scandal has affected both new members and those who have been in the church for many years.

“There are people who have been in the church for 10, 12, 15 years, I in particular have been around 13 years and It has been, let’s say, difficult because when you arrive at a house or a church you feel that God is there and there is what, let’s say, is the guidance you expect to receive.”.

The parishioner described a widespread feeling of betrayal among members of the congregation.

“Encountering what is happening with Pastor Luis Fernando with the complaints against so many women makes it clear to us that we were deceived all the time, we feel that they were used, that they were manipulated in a certain way due to many situations,” the parishioner pointed out.

Although the legal representative and president of the church is Luis Fernando Ramón, the majority of the Christian community refuses to let him return as an evangelizing pastor because they no longer believe in his teachings.

This year, the pastor had been decorated by the Magdalena Assembly for his positive contribution to society through his religious ministry.

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