The CNV at the Fintech Meetup 2024 in Rosario

The CNV at the Fintech Meetup 2024 in Rosario
The CNV at the Fintech Meetup 2024 in Rosario

Dr. Silva spoke virtually during the talk he shared with the executive director of the Argentine Fintech Chamber, Mariano Biocca, about the development and implementation process of the Registry of Virtual Asset Providers (PSAV), the tokenization of RWAs, the multi-agency regulatory sandbox, innovation and protection, among other topics.

During his presentation, Silva stressed that “regulating the Crypto world is a huge challenge, in which we are going to work together with the actors in the sector. In this sense and without ceasing to protect investors, we are going to comply with the Law, without over-regulating or affecting innovation.”

For his part, Mariano Biocca highlighted that “there is a unanimous and uniform will of the Chamber’s member companies linked to virtual assets to face this regulatory process. There are nearly 10 million Virtual Assets operating accounts in Argentina and we are regional leaders in the volume of assets transacted On-chain. Therefore, we believe that a correct regulatory framework, which encourages innovation and provides the correct incentives, while protecting the people who invest in them, is a great opportunity for our country.”

The event brought together top industry leaders, with high-level panels and keynote speakers, and generated networking opportunities to establish valuable connections and exchange ideas.


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