Mayor Nediani highlights the proximity of his administration with the residents of La Banda – Municipality of La Banda

Mayor Nediani highlights the proximity of his administration with the residents of La Banda – Municipality of La Banda
Mayor Nediani highlights the proximity of his administration with the residents of La Banda – Municipality of La Banda

During his participation in the “3rd edition of Smart City Expo 2024”, Mayor Roger Nediani had the opportunity to participate in the conference given by the scientific director of the University of Paris 1 Pantheon – Sorbonne, Carlos Moreno.

The talk entitled “15-Minute City” focused on the theme “The Proximity Revolution,” a concept that seeks to change the relationship between municipal and provincial government leaders and citizens and the city itself.

In this sense, the speaker sought to develop the idea that cities should focus on not expansive growth but rather proximity, this means that within the municipal ejido the provision of essential services is guaranteed that allows improving the quality of life of residents’ lives without them having to travel long distances to access them.

Municipal governments would also contribute to caring for the environment by reducing the harmful impact of fuel used in most means of transport.

In this regard, Mayor Roger Nediani indicated: “We had the opportunity to participate together with Vice Mayor Gabriel Santillán and the members of the Municipal Cabinet in this dissertation that has been very enriching since it will allow us to continue planning our government management in a more intelligent way.

The Municipality of La Banda, through different areas, works permanently to bring services to residents, such as health care, education, haircuts, recreational activities for children, support for the elderly and people with disabilities, vocational training, advice and support for victims of gender violence, among many other services.

“In this way, the idea of ​​a ‘Municipality with open doors’ is being strengthened where we seek to ensure that neighbors can have direct contact with our management to be able to learn more about what the specific needs are and thus be able to give more precise answers.” ”Nediani concluded.


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