Sens wants to open with a license tainted with irregularities

Sens wants to open with a license tainted with irregularities
Sens wants to open with a license tainted with irregularities

So that it is understood, when the municipality grants a license, it cannot suppress or withdraw it as if nothing had happened because it has generated a subjective right. It is necessary to go to court to resolve the situation and irregularities must be demonstrated. In this case, I can assure you that irregularities are abundant and border on corruption.

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Pedro Nardanone is the owner of the premises and gave it on loan to Vaamonde and Medel who baptized it with the name Sens.

Sebastian Fariña Petersen

From Las Palmas to Sens

Let’s do a brief review to understand. Nicholas Vaamonde and Mariano Medeltheir partners, signed a loan agreement with Pedro Nardanoneowner of the Las Palmas property, who is accused by the Federal Court of the forced disappearance of Sergio Avalos which occurred in the early hours of June 14, 2003 at said location.

The loan runs from June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2025. Nardanone’s partners were unable to open last year due to various irregularities with the works, the lack of plans and finally the lack of a business license. In the meantime, Sens was closed, received fines for failing to comply with the closure and Vaamonde filed an injunction that was rejected by the courts themselves.

In October 2023, the municipal ordinance was approved that resumed the bases of the Urban Planning Code that prevented the use of the Primeros Pobladores street corridor for bowling alleys and candy stores.

The story goes that Las Palmas was authorized in 1994 by a municipal exception approved with astonishing speed and ratified by the mayor. Derlis Klosterman who had to leave office three months earlier, embroiled in a grotesque corruption scandal.

This is how ordinance 6685 arose, giving life to the exception that allowed Nardanone to operate Las Palmas as a bowling alley and confectionery. The commercial license was provisional and non-transferable and expired on December 31, 1995.

That ordinance, the one with the exception, was repealed on May 20, 2010 by a new ordinance, 11796. In this way, there was no longer a municipal exception that allowed the use of that urban space.

How did Sens get the license?

Sit back and let me tell you. Masep SA Group, a member of the Masip clan, reached an agreement with Pedro Nardanone in 2010 to exploit Las Palmas.

The steps were taken at the Municipality to open, but on July 1, 2011, by ruling 023/11, they were given the thumbs down.

Among the arguments that were provided, it was clear that the registration of plans was not viable, mainly because “the lack of registered measurements of the property where the construction is located was significant.”

It was clarified that the registration of plans did not imply the authorization of any type of use, since that is the responsibility of the respective area.

Furthermore, they were denied because the requested use, dance venue, “not compatible with the area”as established by the Urban Planning Code.

However, according to the case promoted by the AFIP in federal jurisdiction against the Masip clan, the bowling alley was exploited between 2011 and 2014 according to the prosecution resolution. There is a blind spot here. Why was the bowling alley active if there was no new exception that enabled it?

Let’s move forward. Masep SA Group requested the renewal of the commercial license on January 19, 2017 and two years later, in 2019, they transferred it to Entreteneu SRL. This transfer was made through a loan in which “a free loan was agreed for 36 months.”

The contract was signed on February 22, 2018, Juan Francisco Masip, as president of Entreteneu SRL and Pedro Nardanone as representative of CEIPE SRL. It had an expiration date of June 30, 2021.

In 2019when the management of Horacio “Pechi” Quiroga came to an end, the Masep SA Group achieved a miracle.

On December 9, 2019one day before the new management took office, The Undersecretary of Commerce, Gustavo Varni, granted the commercial license, going against current regulations.. An irregularity with a whiff of corruption.

According to the records, the delivery of the commercial license 047062 to the company name Entreteneu SRLfrom the Masep Group, for “dance venue”. The same was notified on the same day, with astonishing speed. The license expiry was set for December 9, 2024.

This is the active license that Vaamonde and Medel presented to open Sens starting next July 6th. Vaamonde presented himself as the manager of Entreteneu SRL, but he did not present any papers to prove it and Juan Francisco Masip has everything seized by the Federal Court.

At this point, it is necessary to review how Vaamonde and Medel managed to obtain such a license tainted with irregularities.

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The Municipality of Neuquén decreed the harm and now it is going to court.

Claudio Espinoza

The irregularities

The municipal decree signed this Friday by the municipal Executive consists of a thorough analysis of the file of the premises on Primeros Pobladores 2015 street. The irregularities are plain to see and are more than crude.

First and foremost, the exploitation of the bowling alley without an exception sanctioned by the Deliberative Council. Let us remember that the one that gave rise to Las Palmas was repealed in 2010.

Second, the action of the former Undersecretary of Commerce, Gustavo Varni, is another more than evident irregularity. It must be taken into account that Varni was aware of reports that indicated that a commercial license could not be granted to that club, but at the last minute of his administration he granted it.

This granting, which was more than suspicious, was added to the fact that it was against the current regulations that warned that the license had to be granted for the duration of the contract for the premises.

In this case, Entreteneu SRL’s contract with Nardanone expired on June 30, 2021.But Varni didn’t care about any of this and gave it to him with an expiration date of December 9, 2024. Total impunity.

All these irregularities are mentioned in the decree that was signed this Friday and that will be attached to the lawsuit that the municipality will take to court in order to destroy a license riddled with irregularities.

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