14 Army platoons will arrive in Cali to reinforce security in Valle del Cauca

In 10 days more than 500 soldiers will arrive in Cali and Jamundí to strengthen the troops of the Third Brigade of the Army that are deployed in the rural area of ​​these municipalities, in order to counteract the criminal actions of the FARC dissidents in Valle del Cauca.

The soldiers will arrive at the department on July 8 in 14 platoons. This reinforcement is added to the announcement that the authorities in Cali had made weeks ago of sending 5,600 men of the public force to shield the city in the face of Cop16.

“With these platoons, the High Mountain Battalion No. 3 in Felidia will be at 90% of its capacity. The High Mountain Battalion in Jamundí will be re-established, the Pichincha Battalion in Valle del Cauca will be fully re-established and There is another platoon left for the engineering battalion,” said the mayor of Cali, Alejandro Eder.

Mayor Eder also joined the idea of ​​the governor of Valle, Dilian Francisca Toro, to buy drone signal inhibitors, to respond to terrorist attacks that be perpetrated with these devices, so they will meet with the commanders of the Public Force to define what technology is necessary for this objective.


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