“We are going to work to improve the mapping of the tangible and intangible heritage of Chaco” – CHACODIAPORDIA.COM

This was the first meeting and was headed by Zorrilla, who is also the president of the Commission. Also participating in the meeting, on behalf of the ICCH Heritage Area, were Susana Colazo, Marcela Bernardi and Ernesto Flores; Also present were Susana Rosa, from the National University of the Northeast (UNNE); Patricia Castillo, from the National Technological University (UTN); Marcelo Gustin, from Fogón de los Arrieros; Diego Tolosa, from the Urunday Foundation, and Marta Dufek, from the Chaco Chamber of Commerce.

For his part, Zorrilla explained that the meeting was to “formalize the conformation and establish work mechanisms, in addition to articulating a way of introducing the topics in the agenda and the resolution mechanisms.” He announced that the meetings will be every 15 days and explained that, according to the Law of Historical, Cultural and Natural Heritage of Chaco, the Commission is made up of five official members and five representatives of cultural and scientific entities of the province. Representatives of the Fogón de los Arrieros, Resistencianos and Urunday Foundations and the Chamber of Commerce were invited to this first meeting, in addition to representatives of the national universities and the University of Chaco Austral.

“The commission has real power over the heritage of the province and in the localities to make appropriations, declare the emergency of some heritage building and make declarations of interest,” explained the president of Culture. He also recalled that in our province there is a catalogue of heritage buildings, but “we have the power to create a new one, including other sites. “In addition, there are heritage sites, such as industrial and railway, for example, that have to be taken care of, there is also intangible heritage such as food, customs, traditions, and faith,” he added.

Regarding the meetings, Zorrilla said that for the treatment of each particular topic, specialists will be invited to provide instruction and, therefore, he clarified that they intend “for the resolutions that are taken to have a historical basis.” He also commented that there are urgent issues to deal with, such as the case of the historic center of Barranqueras, about which there is serious concern.

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