Base Law: “It does not have a single measure in favor of the people,” said the PJ of Entre Ríos

Base Law: “It does not have a single measure in favor of the people,” said the PJ of Entre Ríos
Base Law: “It does not have a single measure in favor of the people,” said the PJ of Entre Ríos

The Justicialista Party of Entre Ríos repudiated, through a statement, the approval of the Base Law. From Entre Ríos Peronism they expressed “concern and indignation” at the endorsement that the national government’s initiative received in Congress, and assured that the Law, “does not have a single measure in favor of the people and, far from being the modernity that they promise us , unearths and substantiates the old dream of sectors associated with foreign interests, which is the destruction of the Welfare State and the delivery of the natural wealth of our country.”

They pointed out: “Prior to the vote in the House of Representatives and the Senate, the Justicialist Party made a strong statement, stating a clear position: rejection without concessions. Because what the Milei government proposes is at the antipodes of the thinking and doctrine of the National Justicialist Movement, and the mandate that the popular vote has given us is to be the opposition.”

“Whoever supports this law is complicit in the suffering of our people and the surrender of the Homeland,” they stated and along those lines they placed Governor Rogelio Frigerio, “who acted as an operator of the ruling party to get the votes, and also those who say to be companions, but they ignored the request of Peronism and decided to defect, disguising their personal motivations as convictions.”

In another section of the document, they pointed out: “The economic regime contained in the package approved in Congress only exists in the most unequal countries on the planet; they want to take Argentina to that place.”

Finally, they concluded that those who gave their vote for the approval of the Bases Law, “are complicit with a government that promotes the destruction of employment and the national productive apparatus, the impoverishment of the popular sectors, the handover of the national patrimony, the loss of rights of workers and retirees, and the dismantling of the State that this norm will produce. There is no possible dialogue with those who promise chaos and destruction,” they concluded.


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