UCN organized Autism Pride Fair « UCN News up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

UCN organized Autism Pride Fair « UCN News up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte
UCN organized Autism Pride Fair « UCN News up to date – Universidad Católica del Norte

Activity carried out in Antofagasta included information stands for various races and the participation of external entities.

Since 2005, every June 18th is celebrated as Autism Pride Day, a day that constitutes an opportunity for reflection whose objective is to counteract discrimination and promote the acceptance of autistic people, highlighting the importance of inclusion in society.

In this context, the Autism Pride Fair held in Antofagasta last Wednesday, June 26 at the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) stood out as a fundamental event for inclusion and awareness of the autism spectrum. This activity was organized by Includes UCN, in conjunction with the Secretariat of Neurodivergences and Disabilities (Seneudis) of the Student Federation (FEUCN).

The fair included the participation of the Pedagogy in Differential Education, Pedagogy in Basic Education, and Psychology majors. The Gender Directorate, PACE UCN and the General Student Directorate were also present, in addition to the collaboration of external entities such as Senadis, Civil Registry and Compin, as well as the CREALUZ cultural center.

Javiera Carrasco Leandro, psychologist and collaborator of the Include UCN program, pointed out that the fair “promotes the active participation of students on the autism spectrum. They participated from volunteering to organizing the stands, allowing them to be informed, share experiences and get to know each other.” She also mentioned that the event helps to break down physical and social barriers by raising awareness and promoting a more inclusive community.

The event also served as a space for dialogue and awareness raising. “Generating conversation is essential”highlighted Raúl Cerpa Céspedes, a second-year student of Pedagogy in Basic Education. “I have really enjoyed this opportunity to speak with many people on the spectrum who have come to the stand and with other people interested in the topic. We have discussed how each person feels and manifests their condition, addressing topics such as hyperfixations, the need for order and anticipation, and managing emotions.”

These conversations, according to Raúl, transcend the educational field and are fundamental at the University, where you can dialogue with people from different cultures, preparing for different professional fields.

At their stand, Raúl and his team presented information focused on the area of ​​education. For example, they emphasized the importance of anticipation to reduce anxiety and organize ideas, as well as the relevance of empathy in emotional management. In addition, they highlighted the need for clear and specific communication, which is crucial for people on the autism spectrum to correctly understand instructions and be able to react appropriately.

For Jocelyn Herrera Pedregal, a second-year student of Pedagogy in Differential Education, the importance of participating in her career in the Autism Pride Fair lies in letting others know the need to develop interactive and manual activities for people on the autism spectrum. . “It is essential to understand that we are all people and that some need specific support to function better in their environment,” he pointed.

“Today at the fair we carried out several activities. For example, we have a chair designed for people with anxiety or ADHD, who move a lot. The chair is equipped with a strap so that they can place their feet and keep moving without making noise. There are also bottles that can be shaken and observed, helping the person to calm down and concentrate,” he concluded.

The Autism Pride Fair not only strengthened the University Community, but also highlighted the need for greater awareness and adaptation in various professional fields, promoting a more inclusive and empathetic environment for all.

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