Loan Case: Federal Justice removed the Corrientes Police from the investigation

Judge Cristina Pozzer Penzo, who is in charge of the investigation into the disappearance of Loan Pena, which is being implemented as a case of human trafficking, decided to remove the Corrientes Police from the case. The decision was made this Friday at the last minute and confirms that – now – only federal forces will intervene in the search.

It will now be the Argentine Federal Police that will be in charge of the actual investigation of the case, supported by the Argentine Naval Prefecture, which will be in charge of logistics, and the National Gendarmerie, which will carry out the necessary maneuvers in the searches and operations.

The brief presented by Judge Pozzer Penzo requests the head of the Goya Police to “order the cessation of investigative tasks by the personnel under his charge that could be developing around the fact of the alleged disappearance of the minor Loan Peña.”

Only federal forces will be involved in the investigation into Loan Peña’s disappearance.

Loan case: the key photo with which they try to support the orangery theory

A few days ago, Camilia, one of Loan Peña’s cousins ​​who was present at the lunch where the minor disappeared in 9 de Julio, Corrientes, said she had presented a photo as evidence to the court. With it they are trying to prove that the 5-year-old boy was part of the expedition to the orange grove, one of the hypotheses that had been ruled out.

In the photo provided you can see, from behind, one of the detainees in the case along with Laudelina Peña, the minor’s aunt. Mónica del Carmen Millapi, on the right of the image, is on her way to the orange grove. A little further on you can see a group of children walking towards the area where Loan Peña would have disappeared.

“He leaves the garden and goes with the boys, I accompanied them halfway, to the gate. He was playing with the other boys. My baby is the last to leave, he told me ‘mommy, wait for me because I can’t tie my shoelaces ‘I’m left behind and Loan is ahead,” was the statement Camila made to TN the day she broke the silence.

And she added, about the moment when she asked her daughter about Loan: “He arrived with his little orange peeled on one side and in the other hand he had another orange.” About the meeting at the house of the minor’s grandmother, she said that it was a “very normal and calm lunch, as always.” “It’s all very strange,” she commented about the disappearance of the child. And she added at that time: “I called him, but he never answered. We all want him to appear.”

The photo provided does not place Loan in the place and the Justice Department clarifies that it is impossible to know if the minor was part of the excursion to the orange grove.

There are six detainees in the case: former municipal official María Victoria Caillava is housed in Unit 7 of Salta; the former captain of the Argentine Navy Carlos Pérez, the minor’s uncle Antonio Benítez, commissioner Walter Maciel and Mónica Millapi are in Complex 3 of Güemes, also in Salta; Meanwhile, Daniel “fierrito” Ramírez was transferred to Unit No. 7 of Chaco.

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