Buseta almost killed him when he got off the bus.

Buseta almost killed him when he got off the bus.
Buseta almost killed him when he got off the bus.

With serious blows, an older adult who suffered a traffic accident yesterday morning, exactly on Carrera 5 in the populous Pescaíto neighborhood north of Santa Marta, was taken to the emergency room of the Bahía clinic.

According to the information provided by witnesses, the elderly man was traveling as a passenger in a bus belonging to the Santa Marta Strategic Public Transportation System (SEPT) with license plates UQS529, and after arriving at his destination he asked the driver to stop. bus.

For this reason, the driver slowed down his vehicle to later pull over, however the adult, who could not be identified, did not wait for the driver to stop completely and after getting off with the bus in motion, he ended up falling on the pavement.

The elderly man was quickly helped by passengers on the bus and residents of the aforementioned neighborhood, who immediately called an ambulance and paramedics put him on a stretcher and took him to the aforementioned clinic, where he is receiving medical attention from doctors on duty.

id: 299

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