While trying to avoid a landslide, a bus ended up in a ravine on the road to the coast, in Tarazá: there were seven injured

While trying to avoid a landslide, a bus ended up in a ravine on the road to the coast, in Tarazá: there were seven injured
While trying to avoid a landslide, a bus ended up in a ravine on the road to the coast, in Tarazá: there were seven injured
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A landslide on the Medellín-Costa Atlántica highway, near the municipality of Tarazá (Bajo Cauca, Antioquia), was on the verge of causing a tragedy. But it was not because the earth was about to fall on a vehicle or block the road, but because it caused a bus to crash into a ravine because a tractor-trailer wanted to avoid the material that was blocking part of a road.

The events occurred at 2:15 in the morning this Saturday at kilometer 111+050, at the height of the sector known as El Siete, where hours before due to recent rainfall There was a landslide, which, although it did not cover the entire road, could cause difficulties if there were two large vehicles.

The bus, a special services bus that was traveling towards the Atlantic Coast, fell into a ravine and left seven people injured, including the driver. They were all taken to the San Antonio Hospital in Tarazá, with multiple bruises and none with life-threatening injuries.

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The tractor-trailer involved collided slightly against a green area and those traveling in the vehicle were unharmed in this accident. The units of the Traffic and Transportation Section of the Antioquia Police performed the respective drunkenness tests on the driver, which came out negative.

This fact is recorded in the middle of the exodus operation for the holiday of San Pedro and San Pablo, in which More than 12,470 vehicles have been mobilized along the roads of Antioquia.

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For surveillance and control 250 units will be available on the roadwhich will be located in 22 areas throughout the department, in the main corridors, to guarantee the road safety of travelers.

However, given the winter season that is taking place, drivers are advised to Be aware of road closures and restricted steps that can be recorded in these three days, looking at social networks or by contacting lines 123 or #767

As explained by Major Alejandro Uribe Duque, head of the Traffic and Transportation Section of the Antioquia Police, they are currently completely closed. the Dabeiba-Santa Fe de Antioquia, Santa Fe de Antioquia-Bolombolo and La Pintada-Medellín roads.

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