Milei Effect: La Rioja recorded a 30% drop in construction companies

Milei Effect: La Rioja recorded a 30% drop in construction companies
Milei Effect: La Rioja recorded a 30% drop in construction companies

Between May 2023 and the same month this year The number of construction companies in the province of La Rioja fell by 30.6%. This emerges from the economic report that the Institute of Statistics and Registration of the Construction Industry (IERIC) prepares monthly and to which the portal had access Riojan Economy.

According to the survey figures, In May of last year there were 108 companies in the sector – including construction and subcontractors – while in the same month of this year, the figure dropped to 75 firms.The data show that in the space of one year, 33 companies in the sector ceased to operate. This figure represents a 30.6% drop in the number of construction companies in the province.

In the breakdown by type of company, The report showed that in May 2023 there were 104 construction companies registered in the IERIC in the province, while in the same month of this year the number of companies was reduced to 72. Meanwhile, between May of last year and the same month of 2024, the number of subcontracting companies went from 4 to 3 companies.

In May La Rioja It was the province that fell the most in the entire country in terms of the number of construction companies in activity and the only one whose contraction rate was greater than 30%.. The other three jurisdictions that showed the highest decreases were Misiones (20.9%), Tierra del Fuego (23.4%) and Santiago del Estero (-26.7%).

On the other hand, at the country level, The number of companies in the sector decreased by 10.6% in the period analyzed, so La Rioja was 20 percentage points below the national average.

This decline in the number of construction companies in activity is explained by the decision of the national government to completely paralyze public works. This measure was adopted last December, a few days after the inauguration of President Javier Milei and that decision remains in place until today.

Slowing down the adjustment

Through a decree promoted by Governor Ricardo Quintela, La Rioja became the only province in the country that managed to stop the brutal increase implemented by the economic policies of President Javier Milei and the Minister of Economy Luis CaputoThis was possible thanks to the credit notes that EDELaR implemented for February payments, which allowed its clients to pay the new bills without the established increase.

In the first days of May, the governor extended the benefit of the credit note to energy consumption for the month of March, according to decree 525/24. This time, the application was carried out automatically, on invoices due in July.

Finally, it should be noted that Some invoices due in June and those due in July will have the automatic application of credit notes, managed by the government of La Rioja.. In addition, the Price Stabilization Fund will be maintained in favor of Riojan households.

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