He is Venezuelan, he is 23 years old and in Argentina today he fulfills the dream that his country and the United States denied him

He is Venezuelan, he is 23 years old and in Argentina today he fulfills the dream that his country and the United States denied him
He is Venezuelan, he is 23 years old and in Argentina today he fulfills the dream that his country and the United States denied him

June 29, 202415:17


The story of Luis Rodríguez Echeverría It could be that of any young actor who aspires to forge a career, except that it is also that of every immigrant who arrives in a new land with a desire for freedom and hopes of fulfilling a dream. Today, at only 23 years old and with a life story that has seen more than one uprooting, he is the protagonist of The little Prince –the musical that has just landed on Corrientes Avenue–, a role with which, he assures, he touches the sky with his hands.

“I still can’t believe it. Since I arrived in this country, six years ago, I went to a lot of castings and I didn’t get into any of them,” she says honestly. THE NATION this brand new theatrical revelation. “The one I was closest to was Rent, I auditioned until the end, but finally they chose other performers.” The experience, however, was positive; During that transit, a production company met him and later thought of him to give life to the famous creature of Antoine de Saint-ExupéryThe decisive test (and final of the arduous selection among hundreds of candidates) was a scene together with Juan Carlos Baglietto (which today stars in the staging Opera Theater, playing The Pilot, the French writer’s alter ego). “The communication between the two was immediate, and so was the emotion. At the touch they said yes and sent me to the hairdresser to dye my roots.”, he reveals with humor.

Luis Rodríguez Echeverría plays the Little Prince in the musical on Corrientes StreetALFIERI MAURO

Luis was born in Caracas. There he attended a bilingual school, began studying theater and fantasizing about a future dedicated to acting. In fact, he even participated in several children’s advertisements and some plays. But at the age of 15, his mother made a decision that changed their lives forever. “We left Venezuela for political-social reasons. My mother suffered a lot from the situation in the country and I wanted to be an artist, something very difficult to achieve there because it is almost considered taboo, so we both chose to go to the United States, in search of a new opportunity.” His initial destination was Weston, Florida, and to continue his artistic studies (at a public high school specializing in musical theater, Dillard) he had to travel every day to Fort Lauderdale, two hours one way and two hours lap. “At first the change was as painful as it was hopeful,” says Luis. “I had no friends and I missed my dad a lot, who had stayed in Venezuela, but I managed to participate in many musicals.” And when he says many he refers, for example, to the amateur versions of Hairspray, Sister Act, The Addams Family and Smokey Joe’s Cafeamong other titles.

But that period of training and hope in the United States lasted only a short time: three years. “We had to leave again and this time it was not by our own decision. My mother had managed to enter the country with a work visa, but when she took over Donald Trump “The immigration issue became very difficult and all the agreements fell apart.” For mother and son, the most rational option was to emigrate again and start from scratch in another country.

The destination chosen this time was Argentina. Why? “Because here they welcome immigrants with open arms. All Venezuelans feel very welcome, adopted and loved. That’s why we feel at home,” he says. As soon as he arrived he had to go back to high school (because the study plans and academic years in Venezuela and the United States did not coincide with the local ones) “and adapt as quickly as possible to the city and the culture of Buenos Aires, since here we practically didn’t know anyone.” Everything improved when he found an acting agent and started attending castings. Until the arrival of The little Prince He had only managed small appearances in the series The protectors and Planners.

“I really believe in synchronicity and that I was predestined to be The Little Prince,” he says, about the character that today offers him visibility in the impressive theater scene in Buenos Aires. “In fact, I was going to play him in another production, in 2021. Now life and my profession have given me my revenge. Everyone, since I was little, calls me The Little Prince. I am blonde, blue-eyed and I live in my fantasy world. So…” he adds.

“I am blonde, with blue eyes and I live in my world of fantasies,” explains Luis Rodríguez Echeverría, sure that he is predestined to embody the Little Prince.ALFIERI MAURO

Luis says that being a native of another country took the pressure off him when it came to rehearsals. “I didn’t know anyone, so none of my classmates initially intimidated me. But of course, When Juan Carlos sang his song on the last day of casting, it made me cry. That’s when I realized I was standing next to a great man.. I first met him as a human being, not as the great showbiz figure that he is. Only later did I find out everything. The same thing happened to me with Flower Oterowith Walaswith Zaina and the rest of the cast.” With Baglietto, even, he now maintains an almost filial relationship. “He is very wise and very friendly. Every time we find the opportunity, we talk a lot and have even gone out to eat. He tells me many stories from his life and that is the most incredible way to receive knowledge. Juan Carlos is a delight, he is always looking after me, praising my achievements and supporting me. In short, he is like a father.“, it states.

“Juan Carlos is like a father,” says Echeverría about Baglietto, with whom he shares the stage in The Little Prince@bautistaaraya

Finally, Luis assures that his entire history of travels, moves and uprootings helped him when it came to understanding and embodying the Little Prince. “In this work I can channel a lot of my story, that of an immigrant who went after his dreams, exploring different worlds, just like The Little Prince does, from planet to planet. I, like him, do everything from innocence. It is a pride to play such a pure being, in which so many children, adolescents and adults saw themselves reflected. I think that today the world needs the Little Prince more than ever.” In terms of dreams, the actor says goodbye by saying aloud a wish: “To continue working on musicals and for doors to open for me to share my music project with everyone.” indie folk”.

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