Authorities from Valle del Cauca received the United States general to discuss security issues | News today

Authorities from Valle del Cauca received the United States general to discuss security issues | News today
Authorities from Valle del Cauca received the United States general to discuss security issues | News today

Authorities from Valle del Cauca received a general from the United States for cooperation in technological matters.

Photo: Valle del Cauca Governorate

This Saturday, authorities from Valle del Cauca met with General Laura J. Richardson, commander of the United States Southern Command. Governor Dilian Francisca Toro and the mayor of Cali, Alejandro Éder, were present at the meeting.

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The topics discussed were cooperation in joint actions to strengthen security, resilience to disasters, the empowerment of women in the security forces and support for reparation measures for victims of sexual violence in the armed conflict.

One of the key points was the wave of violence that is ravaging the southwest of the country, with acts perpetrated by the dissidents of “Iván Mordisco.” Regarding this, the governor stated that they expressed the importance of having U.S. support to combat threats in the region, for which they requested “advice on security strategies, mainly on tactics and advanced technologies, that allow us to improve security.”

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“In this fight against criminals, having training and equipment is also essential. That is why we are asking for your cooperation in training programs that include specialized training in intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance for our Public Forces. This support will allow us to improve our response capacity to threats,” said Toro.

This week, the governor had announced the acquisition of technological equipment to confront attacks by criminal organizations against the population.

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“We are in this process so that the Army and the Police can see which technological device is the most suitable to be able to buy it. We are going to buy it as an emergency because we cannot wait for someone to buy it for us from the [Ministerio de Defensa]. Then we would have to wait who knows how long,” he said.

Toro has called for a security strategy that articulates the Pacific region, in order to make a joint front against violence. In recent weeks, the municipality of Jamundí, in Valle del Cauca, as well as Morales and Argelia, in Cauca, have been especially affected.

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