Teacher presenteeism in Neuquén: from Monday absences will begin to be controlled

The government of Neuquén confirmed when the teacher presenteeism law in the province for which an extra of 15% will be paid to those who do not accumulate more than three quarterly absences, with a limit of two per month. It will be from this Monday, July 1, so the Provincial Council of Education will begin with the controls to establish who will be able to receive it.

Law 3447, “additional to the professional development of teachers,” was promulgated by Governor Rolando Figueroa yesterday with its publication in the Official Gazette, after an express debate by the deputies this week. The project was presented by Claudio Domínguez (MPN), but was supported by the ruling party and almost the entire political spectrum.

According to the Legislature’s announcement this Saturday, with the promulgation, the calculation of attendance for the payment of the first additional payment to be received with September salaries, considering the immediately preceding quarter, will come into effect on Monday.

The in-person law covers teaching staff who provide effective functions by teaching, directing, supervising, guiding and collaborating in teaching tasks within the provincial educational system.

It will be perceived by the agents whose Absences do not exceed three per quarter, with a limit of two per monthwhich must be justified and included in the licensing regime.

The general secretary of the teachers’ union, ATEN, Marcelo Guagliardo, anticipated days ago that They may not return to school after the winter breakas a form of rejection of the law of presence.

In-person teaching in Neuquén: how much could they charge?

The union’s opposition persists despite the fact that the “plus” established by law does not imply discounts for teachers who are absent, but rather established as an “incentive” to reduce absenteeism in schools.

Regarding the determination of the amount, the rule establishes that it will be equivalent to 15% of the assignment of the position or teaching hours that corresponds to each agent on a monthly basis. It will be accrued monthly and It will be settled on a quarterly basis, with the earnings for the months of March, June, September and December. of each year. For the purposes of settling the Annual Supplementary Salary (SAC), its monthly accrual is considered.

The statement published today by the Legislature indicates that more than 40% of the provincial public sector staff work in the educational system.

For a degree teacher, per load, the additional would represent about 139,500 pocket pesosIn the case of a director, the out-of-pocket sum will be around 305,000 pesos.

This means that each teacher will receive “an additional salary” for the year, according to the government.

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