Why is Monday, July 1 a holiday in Colombia?

Why is Monday, July 1 a holiday in Colombia?
Why is Monday, July 1 a holiday in Colombia?

Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day is celebrated on July 1 in 2024 – composition credit from Infobae Perú

Colombia is notable for having a high number of public holidays, with 18 non-working days spread throughout the year. This number includes a mix of religious and civic celebrations, reflecting the country’s cultural and religious diversity. Saint Peter and Saint Paul Day and the Colombian Declaration of Independence are key examples of these holidays celebrated in the month of July.

The importance of holidays in Colombia is such that the legal framework, regulated by Law 51 of 1983, ensures the protection and proper celebration of these days. This law also establishes that when a holiday coincides with a Sunday or weekend, it is moved to the following Monday to guarantee a non-working day. An example of this is Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day, which in 2024 will be moved to Monday, July 1, because June 29 falls on a Saturday.

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This is the calendar of Colombia 2024, with its holidays – credit What happens in the Bank/Facebook

“All workers, both in the public and private sectors, have the right to paid rest on the following civil or religious holidays: January 1, January 6, March 19, May 1, June 29, July 20, August 7, August 15, October 12, November 1, November 11, December 8, and December 25, in addition to Holy Thursday and Good Friday, Ascension of the Lord, Corpus Christi, and the Sacred Heart of Jesus (…) CWhen the aforementioned holidays fall on a Sunday, the paid rest will also be transferred to Monday.indicates the aforementioned law.

The origin of these holidays in Colombia can be traced back to a combination of religious, cultural and historical influences. Religious holidays, such as the Assumption of the Virgin and the Immaculate Conception, have a deep meaning for the country’s Catholic community. On the other hand, civic holidays commemorate historical events such as the Battle of Boyacá and Independence Day.

Law 51 of 1983 regulates holidays in Colombia – credit iStock

The Barranquilla Carnival and the festivities of Saint Peter and Saint Paul are examples of the rich cultural traditions found in different regions of the country. These holidays are not only non-working days, but also opportunities for communities to celebrate their traditions with musical and cultural events.

By 2024, Colombia will have 12 long weekends, known as “holiday weekends,” which provide citizens with additional opportunities to rest and participate in recreational activities. Among the most anticipated are Independence Day on Saturday, July 20, and the Battle of Boyacá on Wednesday, August 7.

Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day is celebrated on July 1 in 2024 -credit Freepik

The month of July stands out for its two holidaysThe first of these is on Monday, July 1, for Saint Peter and Saint Paul’s Day, and the second is on Saturday, July 20, when Colombia’s independence is commemorated. These days allow not only a respite from the work routine, but also the opportunity for families and friends to get together and celebrate with various civic and cultural events.

The practice of moving holidays to the following Mondays is common in the country, helping to create festive long weekends for the enjoyment of citizens. Tolima and Huila are regions notably known for their celebrations of Saint Peter and Saint Paul Day, where events include music, dance and other local traditions.

This is the calendar of Colombia 2024, with its holidays – credit Jesús Avilés/Infobae

Finally, Colombia’s remaining holidays in 2024 include civic and religious events such as the Day of the Assumption of the Virgin on Monday, August 19, Columbus Day on Monday, October 14, and Christmas on Wednesday, December 25. These non-working days have significant importance, promoting a sense of national identity and unity.

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