Justice determined that the daughter of Carlos Pérez, detained for the Loan case, is not Sofía Herrera | What factors did you use to rule it out?

Justice determined that the daughter of Carlos Pérez, detained for the Loan case, is not Sofía Herrera | What factors did you use to rule it out?
Justice determined that the daughter of Carlos Pérez, detained for the Loan case, is not Sofía Herrera | What factors did you use to rule it out?

In the midst of the commotion caused by the Loan Peña casethe missing boy from Corrientes, Another parallel situation created a blanket of intrigue and suspicion in recent weeks. From some images that circulated in the media the adopted daughter of Carlos Pérezaccused in the case, it was considered that The young woman had a lot of resemblance to Sofía Herrerathe girl who went missing in September 2008. Meanwhile, the Río Grande Justice started an investigation in this regard, but the results, as the minor’s mother, María Elena Delgado, had already anticipated, were negative.

The senior prosecutor of the Northern Judicial District, Martin Bramatiasked the National Registry of Persons (RENAPER) for the birth certificate of the adopted daughter of the accused for the disappearance of the 5-year-old boy two weeks ago.

Sofía Herrera would currently be 19 years old, but the documents certify that the teenager, who gave an interview this week about the accusation against his father and generated various speculations, He is 14 years old and was born in Bahía Blanca.

The judge Maria Rosa Santanain charge of the Investigative Court No. 1 of Río Grande, had requested from the National Directorate of Migration and the Airport Security Police (PSA) all the migratory movements of Pérez and his partner, the former municipal official of 9 de Julio Maria Caillava, both transferred to Complex N°3 of Güemes, in the province of Salta. In addition, he asked the Navy for the review status and destinations of the soldier.

In dialogue with Argentinian NewsSofia Herrera’s mother, Maria Elena Delgadostated that “I didn’t see any resemblance“with her first-born missing for almost 16 years.

María Elena Delgado, mother of Sofía Herrera. (Image: social networks)

It’s amazing how people collaborate in these types of cases.. They sent me photos of the girl when she turned 1 year old and that she was the biological daughter of that lady. (Amanda Zacariaz)”, Delgado said, adding that she is used to seeing photos of girls who look like her daughter.

I’m constantly seeing pictures of little girls that could be Sofia.”, insisted the mother of the minor.

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