BOCADE. CIRCULATING FROM MONDAY OF 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 AND 50,000

BOCADE. CIRCULATING FROM MONDAY OF 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 AND 50,000
BOCADE. CIRCULATING FROM MONDAY OF 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 AND 50,000

June 29


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The businesses that receive them must sign up online and accept them 1 to 1 with the peso. They will be able to exchange ‘chachos’ for pesos within 48 hours and in the case of a purchase that requires change, it must be given in pesos or BOCADE. Details.

The Provincial Government confirmed that the BOCADE will circulate in La Rioja starting Monday and provided users and merchants with the main details about their use.

With the appearance of the BOCADE, the Provincial Government made available the website where you can find answers to frequently asked questions about their use, security measures and the names that will circulate from July, which will mean an injection to the virtuous wheel of the Rioja economy.

In this regard, it was indicated that the BOCADE (Debt Cancellation Bonds – Law 10,703) called “Chachos” are financial instruments issued by the Government of the Province of La Rioja, to value the work and salary of those who provide services in the State, encouraging consumption and promoting economic reactivation of the Province.

BOCADEs of 1,000, 2,000, 5,000, 10,000, 20,000 and 50,000 will be in circulation, where each Chacho will be worth the same as the peso. It was indicated that all businesses can receive these bonuses, but they will not be able to charge any surcharge or receive them for a lower value.


The Chacho are used to buy any product in participating stores and pay provincial services and taxes. If at the time of making a payment, the business or entity says that the Chacho is false, they cannot retain it. The only ones authorized to retain the allegedly fake Chachos are the offices authorized by the Government of La Rioja.

It was also clarified that payment points for both the Capital and the Interior of the Province will be announced in due time.

However, they pointed out that the payment of the BOCADE will be made only to the holder who must present his or her DNI.

It is necessary to clarify that the Chachos are of provincial circulation and that the only ones authorized to request the early redemption of bonds will be the businesses adhered to the Debt Cancellation Bond Acceptance Agreement Law 10,703.

The Trader is obliged to give change in BOCADE or in pesos.


Businesses wishing to register must complete an online form at or in person at Santa Fe No. 576 – Ground Floor and at the La Rioja Commercial and Industrial Center, located at Copiapó No. 235, from Monday to Friday from 3 to 6 p.m. The application will then be analyzed, the status of the process will be reported, and the owners will be summoned to sign the agreement.

The following documentation must be attached: DNI of the owner and/or representative; Proof of Registration in DGIP; Proof of Registration in AFIP; Proof of CBU from Banco Rioja (the CBU holder must be the same owner who signs the agreement); Legal Power certified by a Notary Public (if applicable); sign the Agreement for Voluntary Acceptance of Debt Cancellation Bonds – Law 10,703; complete the Establishment Membership Form for the Voluntary Acceptance of Debt Cancellation Bonds – Law 10,703.

If it is a Legal Entity, the following documentation is added: Articles of Incorporation or Corporate Bylaws.

To operate with BOCADE, merchants – like any means of payment – will have to verify its legitimacy, that is, control the security measures indicated at, while it is suggested have an ultraviolet light detector.

In the event that a person pays with a fake BOCADE, the merchant will have the right to reject it and request an alternative form of payment from the customer but is not authorized to retain the BOCADE and/or destroy it.

Meanwhile, it was clarified that if the payment in BOCADE by the client is greater than the amount of the sale and/or collection, the merchant can deliver the change both in pesos and in BOCADE.


The businesses that join will be able to participate in the “Early Redemption”, the option that businesses have to deposit the BOCADE in the offices enabled for their conversion into PESOS.

To do this, they must deposit the BOCADE from Monday to Friday from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in the offices set up by the Government of La Rioja (Santa Fe N°576 – Ground Floor) and in the Commercial and Industrial Center of La Rioja (Copiapó N°235). and in exchange, they will receive a receipt for the amount deposited, which will be credited within a period of up to two business days in pesos, in the Banco Rioja bank account indicated in the Voluntary Acceptance Agreement of Debt Cancellation Bonds (Law 10,703). signed promptly.

It is important to note that if as a business you have already participated in receiving food program cards (PAR, ANDAR and ALIMENTAR) and/or were part of bank promotions promoted by the Government of La Rioja, you do not need to complete the form.

At the time of making the “early redemption” you must only complete the “Establishment Adhesion Form for the Voluntary Acceptance of Debt Cancellation Bonds – Law 10,703” and sign the Voluntary Acceptance Agreement of Debt Cancellation Bonds – Law 10,703 .
This procedure can be carried out at the time of depositing the proceeds in person at the aforementioned offices.

It was also clarified that the adhesion and subscription to the agreement must be carried out only by the owner and/or agent of the business and that the Early Redemption may be carried out up to 15 business days prior to the expiration date.


Once the BOCADE expiration date has passed, as a business you have the right to present them at the Offices enabled for their Final Rescue. Unlike the Early Redemption, this will give you a return of SEVENTEEN PERCENT (17%) every six months with redemption on 12/31/24.


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