Marcelo Lima responded to Quatroppani

Marcelo Lima responded to Quatroppani
Marcelo Lima responded to Quatroppani

In recent days, the corridors of the Courts have been shaken by the request for an audit made by the Attorney General, Eduardo Quatroppani, to the Court of Justice of San Juan. In this regard, the president of the Court, Marcelo Lima, said at the Café de la Política that “it was decided that the Third Chamber of the Superintendence investigates” and added that “everything that has to do with clarifying, clearing up doubts, eliminating errors, is welcome.” He also spoke about the meetings he held with representatives of the Judicial Union of San Juan.

Lima said that “the Attorney General is requesting an audit of the assignment of judges and we are talking about a purely administrative and not jurisdictional issue between the years 2021 to 2023. We took these into account and decided that the Third Chamber of the Superintendence will carry out the investigation and we have already requested a series of information to begin the work in that regard.”

The president of the Court also highlighted that “of course everything that has to do with clarifying, clearing up doubts, eliminating errors, is welcome because we are involved in this process, which is effective and efficient, we are going to carry it forward in that sense. ”. Since the process is beginning, Lima did not even want to provide timelines for the investigation because it did not have the necessary information to give an estimated time.

Agreement with the Judicial Union of San Juan

The president of the Court of Justice of San Juan indicated that “we reached an agreement with the Judicial Union of San Juan to create a meeting place to study everything in detail.”

Lima indicated that “this meeting place is made up of a minister of the Court and representatives of the Judicial Union who are going to carry out a detailed study with the objective of reconciling the claim with the possibility.”


Marcelo Lima / President of the Court of Justice of San Juan

“The Attorney General requests an audit for the assignment of judges and we are talking about a purely administrative and not jurisdictional issue between the years 2021 to 2023.”

“We reached an agreement with the San Juan Judicial Union to create a meeting place to study everything in detail.”


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