Tatacoa Desert: when to go and what to do

Tatacoa Desert: when to go and what to do
Tatacoa Desert: when to go and what to do

The Tatacoa Desert is one of the unmissable plans near Bogotá.

There are 310 kilometers that separate Bogotá of the Tatacoa desert along the road, a journey that many adventure lovers take with the purpose of leaving the cold capital to a warmer place.

And the Tatacoa desert has become one of the most desired tourist destinations in the center of the country, not only for its great natural impact, but also for the nighttime star show.

How to get from Bogotá to the Tatacoa Desert?

To start the trip from Bogotá, start from the Transport terminal or with your own transportation.

Follow the main road towards Soacha – Granada and then towards Girardot – Espinal. Then continue through Natagaima – Aipe until you reach Neiva, capital of Huila.

From Neiva, take a local transport (taxi or mototaxi) to Villavieja, 45 minutes away. Once in Villavieja, it is only 15 minutes more to enter the Tatacoa Desert.

The total route from Bogotá is 310 kilometers on good roads, with a estimated time 6 hours.

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When to visit the Tatacoa Desert?

In addition to the route, one of the fundamental details when traveling to this tourist destination is the climate and the season, this place has a warm and tropical climate throughout the year.

However, the amount of rain in the area it is lower in December, January, February, June and July, since they are considered dry seasons. In these months you will find a clear sky and you will be able to enjoy astronomical observation in all its splendor.

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Five things to do in the Tatacoa Desert

  • Visit the Tatacoa Observatory: You can visit the Tatacoa Observatory to enjoy stargazing and astronomical phenomena. There are talks and telescopes available so visitors can explore the night sky.
  • Take guided tours on foot, by bicycle and on horseback: You can explore the desert through guided tours on foot, by bike, or on horseback. These activities will allow you to enjoy the unique landscapes of the desert and learn more about its flora and fauna.

Tatacoa Desert – stars


  • Relax and enjoy the surroundings: The Tatacoa Desert is also a perfect place to relax and enjoy the tranquility of the surroundings. You can find places to rest and enjoy the beauty of the desert.
  • Participate in cultural events: The desert also hosts cultural events such as the Tatacoa Astronomical Festival and the Tatacoa Festival, which features electronic music. These events provide a unique opportunity to experience local culture and enjoy music and art.
  • To camp: If you like adventure, you can camp in the desert and enjoy the experience of sleeping under the stars. The Tatacoa Desert offers the opportunity to camp and enjoy the beauty of the natural environment.


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