Why Lionel Scaloni does not direct the Argentina vs. Peru National Team for the Copa América :: Olé

Why Lionel Scaloni does not direct the Argentina vs. Peru National Team for the Copa América :: Olé
Why Lionel Scaloni does not direct the Argentina vs. Peru National Team for the Copa América :: Olé

06/29/2024 17:20hs.

The Argentine National Team received news that not only generated surprise but also uncertainty. Lionel Scaloni was suspended by Conmebol and, due to the punishment, he will not be able to attend the match this Saturday at 9pm against Peru. For this reason, she was also unable to be present at the press conference that was scheduled for Friday afternoon.

What is the reason why Conmebol suspended Scaloni?

The world champion coach in Qatar 2022 was sanctioned for an attitude in the previous duels of this Copa América: The team entered the field late on two occasions and that forced the organizers to take disciplinary measures. In this way, the man born in Pujato I could only watch the game from one of the boxes at Hard Rock Stadium. Chilean coach Ricardo Gareca also received the same punishment.

Once the information that came out of the technical meeting was processed, In the Argentine bunker there was surprise and anger over this sanction. Although they know what the rules of the game are, they did not expect the suspension.

Why Lionel Scaloni does not lead the Argentine National Team vs. Peru for the Copa América. (AP)

The sanction is framed within article 145 of the General Regulations of the Copa América 2024, made by Conmebol.If players from one team appear on the field later from the scheduled start or resumption time, or disregarding the instructions of the referee and/or match delegate, the responsible Member Association may be sanctioned by the disciplinary bodies of Conmebol with a warning in the case of a first infraction, and with a fine in the case of a second or subsequent infractions,” it explains.

“In the above case, the Technical Director of the team in question will be considered responsible in all cases, and will be sanctioned by the disciplinary bodies of Conmebol as follows: for a first infraction: warning of suspension for one match; and for a second or subsequent infraction: suspension for one match,” it adds.

What does the Conmebol sanction say?

1. IMPOSE a FINE of USD 15,000 on the ARGENTINE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION (FIFTEEN THOUSAND US DOLLARS) for the violation of articles 104 and 145 of the CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024 Regulations, in accordance with article 27 of the CONMEBOL Disciplinary Code. This amount will be automatically debited from the amount to be received by the Association as television rights, participation and/or prizes.

2. SUSPEND official LIONEL SEBASTIAN SCALONI for one (1) match, for the violation of article 145 of the CONMEBOL Copa América USA 2024 Regulations, in accordance with article 27 of the CONMEBOL Disciplinary Code

3. EXPRESSLY WARN THE ARGENTINE FOOTBALL ASSOCIATION and the official LIONEL SEBASTIAN SCALONI that in the event of repetition of any infraction The provisions of Art. 27 of the CONMEBOL Disciplinary Code, and the consequences that may arise from them, shall apply to the sports discipline of the same or similar nature to that which gave rise to this procedure.

4. NOTIFY and file compliance.

Change in regulations

There was a key change with respect to this regulation and the last edition of the Copa América. It is that in Brazil 2021, for the same reason, there was no suspension for the coach and there was a financial fine for repeated infringements. Even at that time, Lionel Scaloni They had already warned him about it. It was in the match against Paraguay, the last of the group stage, that Scaloneta won 1-0 with an early goal from Papu Gómez.

The Canadian coach’s complaint

The national team was slow to come out onto the field in the match against Canada and did the same against Chile. In fact, in the match against the Canadians, their coach had asked for a sanction for Argentina. “Let’s see Olé DiaryLa Nación, write that they should be fined for the time they took to return from halftime”, by Jesse March.

Finally, Marsch referred to the long time that the Argentine National Team took to come out onto the field for the second half, almost 21 minutes after the first one finished. “I knew they were watching videos and analyzing how to play against us. The referees should handle that better. If we were late, we would be fined,” he stated angrily. “Argentina should be fined. Did they write that down?” Marsch insisted to reporters.

Argentina’s delay against Chile

Against Chile there was no request from the rival coach to sanction Argentina, but rather because the trans-Andean team also delayed. Chile entered the field of play one minute and 15 seconds after the 15 regulated minutes had elapsed, while Argentina came out a little later: 2 minutes and 45 seconds, after 15′.

Why Lionel Scaloni won’t coach Argentina vs. Peru in the Copa América (EFE).

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