From this Saturday Cuba is activated in “Summer Mode”

From this Saturday Cuba is activated in “Summer Mode”
From this Saturday Cuba is activated in “Summer Mode”

Presentations of dance couples and casino wheels in parks and main squares throughout the country will take place this Saturday as part of the official opening of “Summer Mode” 2024.

Summer workshops, solo and group exhibitions, film screenings, artistic and literary crusades, festivals, dance and theatre performances and much more will be part of the summer season until August 31, Lissette Martínez Luzardo, Vice Minister of Culture, told the press.

He also stressed how important it is to bring summer to the communities, so that all Cubans have access and can enjoy a day with various options for recreation and enjoyment.

Agustín Pérez González, director of Cultural Programs of the Mincult, announced that more than 126 thousand activities in the six artistic manifestations and 84 events that are convened at the institutional, municipal, provincial and national level will be carried out, with the participation of around two thousand 245 cultural institutions, 82 thousand workers in the cultural system, 22 thousand 280 professional artists and three thousand 700 cultural promoters.

Among the main events, he noted, are the Caribbean Festival or Fire Festival, as it is also called, from July 3 to 9 in Santiago de Cuba, the days of tribute for the 68th anniversary of the assault on the Moncada barracks and Carlos Manuel de Céspedes and the 98th anniversary of the birth of Commander in Chief Fidel Castro Ruz.

Pérez González also mentioned the literary crusade of the Hermanos Saíz Association (AHS) from August 11 to 13 in Pinar del Río, the Teasur Festival from August 4 to 12 in Isla de la Juventud, the presentations of the National Ballet of Cuba starting on July 6 at the National Theater of Cuba and the Rumba Route as part of the XVI edition of the Timbalaye International Rumba Festival from August 18 to 31.

Tours, concerts by professional groups, theatrical presentations, exhibitions, fairs, contests and workshops, are just some of the proposals that will be in the hands of the public, completely free of charge in most cases, he added.

Among the planned tours are those of the National Circus of Cuba, the La Colmenita Children’s Company, Cándido Fabré, Haila María Mompié, Arnaldo y su Talismán, Will Campa and Alexander Abreu.

Also read:

Holguin culture in “Summer Mode”

The summer programming organised by the Ministry of Culture is available on the collaborative billboard La Papeleta, as well as on the different channels, social networks and websites of our media outlets and the main venues where the summer will be taking place.

With information from the Cuban News Agency

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