José Félix Lafaurie rejected the removal of the statue of bullfighter César Rincón: “A nobody wanted to become famous”

José Félix Lafaurie, president of Fedegán, expressed his deep discontent with the mayor’s decision – credit Álvaro Tavera/Colprensa

Following the recent ban on bullfighting in Colombia approved by Congress during the most recent legislative session, the mayor of Duitama, Boyacá, José Luis Bohórquez, decided to remove the statue of the Colombian bullfighter César Rincón. This act generated controversy and divided opinions among different sectors of Colombian society.

The director of Social Prosperity, Gustavo Bolívar, said in Week his disagreement with the way the statue’s removal was carried out. The official indicated that, moments before the event, he spoke with Mayor Bohórquez and insisted on the need to do it in a respectful manner, reminding him that Rincón is a “respectable Colombian.” who had left his mark on the history of the country. Furthermore, Bolívar emphasized that in Rincón’s time there was no current awareness of animal abuse, which is why he considered the treatment of the statue of the bullfighter to be unfair.

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The monument to bullfighter César Rincón is demolished in Duitama – credit @NDuitamaOficial

According to Bolívar, Bohórquez promised to move the statue to a bullfighting museum instead of destroying it. However, Bolívar avoided participating in the event, considering that “this was a very local activity, very much for the mayor in Duitama,” and expressed his desire for the bullrings to be transformed into farmers’ market areas, in line with the implementation of the anti-bullfighting law that will come into effect in three years.

On the other hand, José Félix Lafaurie, president of Fedegán, expressed his deep discontent with the mayor’s decision. In his statements, he was emphatic in considering that the action sought notoriety.

“A nobody wanted to become famous by humiliating César Rincón,” stated Lafaurie. Furthermore, he highlighted that the bullfighter gave a lot of glory to Colombia without resorting to violence. He also compared those who supported the removal of the statue to the Taliban, suggesting that they act in an intolerant and orthodox way.

Lafaurie added that the bullfighter Rincón contributed more to the country’s economy and livestock than the “ultra-orthodox animal rights activists” who celebrated the fall of the monument, and suggested that those same people should be outraged by symbols of terrorism rather than bullfighting.

The mayor of Duitama, Boyacá, José Luis Bohórquez, decided to remove the statue of the Colombian bullfighter César Rincón – credit @joseluisbohorquezoficial/Instagram

Mayor Bohórquez, in defense of his decision, mentioned that he respects all positions and is open to reflections on the way in which the events took place, but noted that the debate transcends forms and focuses on deep and substantive positions.

On the afternoon of May 28, after four legislative debates, the Colombian House of Representatives approved Bill 219 of 2023 Chamber – 298 of 2023 Senate, which sought to ban bullfighting, bullfighting, bullfights with young bulls, bullfights with young bulls, and bullfights with young bulls in the country.

The senator of the Historical Pact, Esmeralda Hernández, who promoted this initiative, fervently defended that Bullfights are “a symbol of torture and animal abuse in Colombia.” This view is shared by 45 other congressmen who supported the bill.

This legislation seeks to radically change the perception and management of bullfighting in Colombia – credit Leonardo Muñoz/EFE

The bill provides for several measures, including the transformation of bullrings into cultural spaces and the job relocation of people who survive economically thanks to bullfighting culture. Currently, only 10% of the bullrings in the country are still in operation.

“Today is a day in which Colombia makes history. Today, more than 500 years of animal torture in bullrings comes to an end and makes way for a more just, dignified and empathetic society with the planet and life. “Thank you citizens, thank you Congress, thank you Colombia,” said Senator Hernández, celebrating the achievement after the vote.

With a resounding support of 93 votes in favor and just 2 against, this legislation seeks to radically change the perception and management of bullfighting in Colombia.

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