Buffets in healthy clubs and kiosks in Neuquén will come into effect after the school break

The city’s concession kiosks, lThe buffets or canteens of sports clubs and those that operate in school establishments, They will have to adapt their candy shelves to add healthy food. This is how he established it the ordinance of “healthy kiosks» which was approved on Thursday in the Deliberative Court of Neuquén.

The project arose from the Executive and the legislative work in the Deliberative Commission. The president of the Legislation Commission, María Victoria Fernández, explained that although the commercial activity of the city’s businesses cannot be regulated, they can establish requirements for the 11 concessioned kiosks in the city, many of which are in the vicinity of educational establishments.

They are those that have structures on the street, they cannot be sold and to The transfer of the license requires municipal authorization.There are some in front of School 2 and the San Martín secondary school, the one near the ADOS sanatorium, also in Alcorta or in Belgrano near the Government House, where there are several primary and secondary schools and establishments.

days to expand the offer of sweets with healthy products

The objective was to establish that school buffets or sports club canteens and these kiosks expand their offering of sweets, cookies and sodas, a fruits, drinks and healthy foods on shelves or shop windows.

The undersecretary of Citizen Welfare of the commune must establish a guide of healthy foods, or catalog of these products and will search Establish contact with businesses that sell at city fairs so that merchants or license owners know where to get supplies.

The requirement was extended to the display for sale of products suitable for people with celiac disease and items labeled for people who sare lactose intolerant or have diabetes.

The Deliberant adhered to the provincial law on healthy foods and sanctioned the law on kiosks, while the licensees will have 120 days from the validity of the regulations to adapt to the demand for expansion of supply. The lack of healthy foods for sale will result in fines.

The structures on boulevards, squares and sidewalks are concessions of the municipality and they will be required to offer healthy products (photo by Matías Subat)

The legislation contemplated training and refresher courses on healthy eating for merchants, as part of the adaptation process in the offer of sweets and other foods in school environments.

“We aim to have more and more kiosks and buffets in recreational or sports club establishments so that they expand their offer of healthy drinks and foods in accordance with the transformation of habits that healthy eating requires,” said Councilor Fernández.

He added that those spaces granted by the municipality in the form of a concession “to which we had already made some demands, such as the mandatory nature of recharging parking or the SUBE card, Some obligations are added regarding healthy products to be put on sale,” he said.

He highlighted that the city’s brewing rooms have mores of 140 processors that have all the bromatological requirementss for marketing in gondolas. “There are some 140 food producers at the Neuquén fair undertakes, the municipality will see how to articulate this contact,” said Fernández.

The Executive will observe the incorporation of products according to the nutritional standards of the Ministry of Health of the Nation, appropriate to the region’s offering. «Products free of TACC and suitable for people with lactose intolerance can be sold; There will be training available for both boys and girls and for the owners of these commercial licenses in order to accompany them in this process of transforming habits,” he insisted.


The ordinance established the obligation of healthy offering as part of the requirements for commercial inspection and authorizations. They will be punished with fines of 100 to 1000 modules and until closure, kiosks that refuse to offer nutritional variety with their sweets and do not participate in training.

The value of the moduleor increased last year, with the tax changes. Fines, for example, are calculated andn 50% of super gasoline from YPF del Aca, in case the violations are traffic violations, they are one liter as a reference unit and if the violations are environmental, the measurement is 2 liters of super gasoline.

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