The search for the Corrientes dump that her aunt Laudelina pointed out was completed

The search for the Corrientes dump that her aunt Laudelina pointed out was completed
The search for the Corrientes dump that her aunt Laudelina pointed out was completed

June 29, 2024 – 19:00 By Agustín Weibel

The search for the Loan Peña Casewho disappeared 16 days ago in the province of Corrientes, took an unexpected turn when her aunt Laudelina declared that the marriage The detainee ran him over and took the body away. As a result, they carried out a search in the town of 9 de Julio, specifically in a dump that had not been previously inspected. The result, according to the Ámbito portal, was negative.

The operation at the dump involved the use of aerial droneswith the participation of the Federal and Canine Police, as well as other procedures in fields surrounding Loan’s grandmother’s house, which are still being carried out.

The new search points emerged from Laudelina Peña’s statementaunt of the missing 5-year-old boy, where she claimed that the former official and her husband ran over the minor with their truck, “threatened her with death” so she wouldn’t say anything and that Commissioner Walter Maciel planted the shoe.

In this way, the main hypothesis that the Federal Justice is handling is that Loan was run over and his body was later buried in one of the fields.

Loan Peña’s aunt declared that the former official and her husband ran over and buried the child

In the last few hours, the governor of the province of Corrientes, Gustavo Valdés, surprised by sharing a message on his X account in which he read that “a great step has been taken in the resolution of the Loan Case.” After this statement, It was learned that Laudelina Peña, the boy’s aunt, confessed that he was run over.

Laudelina Peña, wife of Antonio Benítez, one of those arrested for the disappearance of the child, called a meeting and confessed to a provincial prosecutor. that Loan “could have been run over” by former municipal official María Victoria Caillava and Argentine Navy Captain Carlos Pérez, who were aboard a white Ford Ranger truck.

In this way, there was talk of the possibility that Loan had been run over and his body was hidden. In this regard, the question arises about the evidence that should have been found in the van. Regarding this, the journalist indicated that specialists explained that due to the height of the van and Loan’s, at the time of the accident it may be that “he did not leave any marks and that he got under the car.”

With information from Ámbito.

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