What the police report said about the causes of the fire

The town of Caviahue, in the Neuquén mountain range, is still experiencing the repercussions of the fire of the only school that children and adolescents have in the commune, currently covered in snow as happens winter after winter.

This Saturday, the provincial government released the results of the police report to determine how the fire started on the building where until last week the primary school No. 164 and the CPEM No. 74 operated.

The experts confirmed «the hypothesis that the accumulation of snow affected the boiler outlet and finally triggered the fire«, it was specified in the official statement of the Province.

According to the work of the inspections, The accident occurred in the storage area where the three boilers of the central heating system were located.

There “the greatest dehydration of the metals that make up the boiler’s gas evacuation pipes and greater damage to the inter-ceiling and roof sector (zinc sheets) was manifested, due to these marks the origin of the fire was determined,” indicated the report.

«It originated in the ceiling and ceiling of the main boiler tank, since the section of the gas evacuation pipe of the 65,000 kcal/h boiler had detached, evacuating the hot gases from this boiler by “convection” towards the ceiling and wooden mezzanine, directly”.

Among the conclusions, the report mentioned that on June 23, approximately after 7 p.m., two of the three boilers were turned on and the climatic factor in the town, with the accumulation of snow on the roof of the establishment.

As a result of the fire, seven classrooms, the SUM sector, the laboratory, the library, some adjoining offices, as well as the kitchen and bathrooms were burned. The damage was total to classrooms and furniture. The report confirmed that the fire caused “considerable damage” to the entire building structure.

They are looking for places to continue with classes in Caviahue

The continuity of classes was also addressed by the provincial authorities, who said, in the same press release, that they continue “seeking the best solutions for the educational community” affected by this fact.

They pointed out in this sense that the temporary places will be available from next July 22 and will allow the continuity of the second quarter, after the winter break, to be attended to.

Solidarity for the burned school in Caviahue: school supplies are collected from Neuquén

The unfortunate episode that left the population of Caviahue without their school aroused solidarity in the region, with a campaign to collect supplies and other items to help the students who were affected.

The Biguá club in the provincial capital called for donations of school supplies, stationery, reading books and educational games. Those interested may approach the institution’s secretariat.

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