Pullaro’s presidential projection caused a stir at a UCR summit

Pullaro’s presidential projection caused a stir at a UCR summit
Pullaro’s presidential projection caused a stir at a UCR summit

Within the framework of the first Plenary of Radical Organizations, which takes place this Saturday in the city of Santa Fe, The presidential projection of Governor Maximiliano Pullaro created noise in the mouths of important references of the centennial party. Although Those around the head of the Gray House insisted that the priority is the province and “everything else is secondary, accessory and extremely postponeable.”.

The plenary session, convened by the Radical Youth, the Purple Strip, the Radical Workers Organization, the Mayors’ Forum and the UCR Diversity, takes place at the party headquarters located in the provincial capital.

There, among other leaders, the head of radicalism at the national level, Martin LousteauPullaro and some of his ministers. The host was the head of the Santa Fe UCR, Felipe Michlig.


Martín Lousteau, national leader of the Radical Party, another of the party leaders who has included the governor in the list of presidential candidates.

Photo: Archive / La Capital.

The national senator has been stating for some time that The governor is the most viable option for the future dispute over the Casa Rosada. Although Michlig, when at the opening of the meeting he reviewed the genesis of the ruling coalition Unidos, He openly spoke about it: “I have a new dream, a president of the radical Nation and of Santa Fe”.

“I am convinced that the new president of Argentina will emerge from Santa Fe. Let this meeting be the starting point”he added emphatically.

At the beginning of June, the provincial senator had hinted that Pullaro should run for the Presidency during a Unidos summit and in front of the governor himself and the entire leadership of the coalitionwhose model also urged replicate it at a national level.

In turn, Lousteau did not fall short in praising his coreligionist: “Santa Fe is the largest province that is governed today by radicalism and with an excellent leader who carries out the promised program, walking the territory alongside his people”.

Likewise, he proposed for the UCR “the enormous challenge of transforming Argentina” through “an efficient State to build a more just country”.

Lousteau also alluded to an imminent reorganization of the political system because “The current crisis is not only for the UCR but also for the PJ and the PRO”.

For his part, Pullaro’s presence at the conclave (in tune with the 30 years of the Constituent Convention that, in the provincial capital, gave the green light to the reform of the national Magna Carta) was not extensive since, after the opening ceremony, he undertook a tour of the Caseros department.

Regarding the voices that promote the presidential candidacy of the Santa Fe governor, those around him have suggested The capital: “There is a kind of climate in that sense, but our priority is now. The objective is the province and everything else is secondary, accessory and extremely postponeable.”.

>> Read more: Pullaro, Frigerio and Llaryora complained about the Ansés debt: “That the law and federalism be respected”

Pullaro is the main figure of a coalition that strives daily so that the differences against the national government of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) do not shake its foundations.

At the same time, he maintains a pendulum relationship with the president Javier Mileiwho withholds transportation subsidies or education funds from Santa Fe, but assists Rosario in the fight against crime.

In fact, the radical comes from sharing with his peers from Córdoba, Martin Llaryoraand from Entre Ríos, Rogelio Frigerioa summit of leaders from the Central Region with the focus on the debt that the Nation has with the Pension Funds of the three provinces.

However, Pullaro just sign, along with the other nine governors of Together for Change (JxC), a statement in which they celebrated the final approval of the Bases law in the national Congress.

Although they also highlighted that, “As the national government itself said, they now have the tools to begin a new stage that must be one of growth, investment and employment”.

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