Law of litter: Federico Sturzenegger will seek to eliminate all state bureaucracy

Fees, taxes, laws, obstacles to buying or selling, even to wearing a hat on the tram or the benzene tax, are still in force. More than a hundred laws will be erased with the litter law Federido Sturzenegger He will assume a role with the imprint that Andrés Ibarra, Mauricio Macri’s minister of modernization, once brought to the table. Deregulate the economy, make the state more dynamic, dynamic, less rigid, facilitating and not obstructive to processes. He called on him to do this. Javier Milei and he will arrive next week to join a cabinet that awaits him with different perspectives.

“There are old, meaningless resolutions that legislate on things that no longer exist, that screw the producer and that do not contribute anything more than wasted time standing in lines. We are going to dedicate time to banish all of that and make sure that those who generate work and invest do not waste time.” This is the view of the government, of one of the officials who met this week with the future minister. Federico Sturzenegger and will have an office in Casa Rosada. There will be a team that has been gradually forming since December, where the view on the problem is cohesive and has a single obsession: to erase, repeal, eliminate, remove, terminate any state regulation that muddies an investment.

In tandem. Guillermo Francos and Federico Sturzenegger.

There are provinces that still today charge taxes on technology, for example, an investor who designed an app for agriculture and that invests and generates employment, had to disburse about twenty million pesos, because the provincial state does not consider it technological because it does not provide a CD to his clients. He explained it in X Gustavo Lázzari days ago. “These types of rules are everywhere, some mayors like Diego Valenzuela and Javier Iguacel started doing it, eliminating absurd fees for tying the horse or putting a table on the sidewalk, ridiculous situations that screw up those who invest, all of this makes us We’re going to order,” they say at Casa Rosada.

Guillermo Francos began a small survey with Lisandro Catalán on how the mood is in the governors, because after the law of bases, there will be a new integration of the official block to make the so-called law of leaves a colossal package of one hundred different norms to cease so that processes can be streamlined when buying, selling, taking out a loan, exporting and importing. The entire productive process of different components of the economy will be under the magnifying glass of the new ministry that will come into force next week, according to this media.

The internal one in the cabinet has the order to be finished, it is what he wants Javier Milei and points directly to the bad relationship they have had for decades Federico Sturzenegger and Luis Caputo. “They are two irreconcilable profiles, one a fanatic of a united family and a meticulous technique, a monk, that’s Toto, Federico is much more of a rock star, he separated, he has a much more disruptive view of politics and is more of a risk taker, Toto is a very conservative and meticulous gentleman, Fede is not.” This is illustrated by a member of the Government who will have to balance the two almost antagonistic profiles that will share a work team starting next Wednesday, after his presentation.

Rockstar. This is how Javier Milei defined Luis Caputo, Minister of Economy, days ago.

The arrival of the digital file was one of the most bombastic works of Andrés Ibarra during his time in the national public service, and it is what laid the foundations for the Federico Sturzenegger. The official’s promise to Javier Milei It is about removing any barrier that causes a businessman, whether small, medium or large, to stop investing or hiring staff to avoid state revenge, whether in the form of a fine, tax, regulation or unnecessary expenditure of money that could be used for something productive.

The State deregulation plan had been presented to him Federico Sturzenegger Patricia Bullrich two years ago, she worked with different economists such as Lucas Llach, among others. Then, once Juntos por el Cambio was coming to an end and with a previous relationship between the two, Javier Milei and the former president of the Central Bank met twice before the runoff, in which they then coordinated to put first in a plan that allows their manual of state deregulation and application of the new way of working to adapt to the view of Javier Milei.

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