Statement regarding threats to Lof Paillako

Statement regarding threats to Lof Paillako
Statement regarding threats to Lof Paillako


On Friday morning, around ten uniformed officers entered the territorial recovery of Lof Paillako in dispute with National Parks. Without knowing the reasons for such a deployment, they left in the afternoon.

This literal raid, without any type of court order, by the Police of the Mapuche territory is part of the long chain of interests behind the attempt to privatize APN by the National Government of Javier Milei and the complicity of local businessmen and the man himself. Governor Ignacio Torres. While they attack the APN workers with the end of contracts on June 30, as a result of the disastrous DNU 84/23, they seek to empty the territories for extractive looting.

It comes hand in hand with a reactionary barrage against the native peoples that seeks to eliminate the Mapuche flag from the events in Rio Negro, or to rename lakes in homage to the genocidal Roca. While the right to protest is criminalized and 5 of those arrested during the hunt by the repressive forces of Bullrich on June 12 remain in prison, they ask to lower the age of imputability to 13 years.

But the attack on the Mapuche people does not begin here. The Unified Command of the former Minister of Security and politically responsible for the Avellaneda massacre, Aníbal Fernández, detained five Mapuche women from the Lof Lafken Winkul Mapu (one of whom gave birth in prison) for six months during the government of Alberto and Cristina Fernández, and today continues in the Unified Command of Governor Torres and Patricia Bullrich.

As a result, the prosecutions against Matías Santana and other Mapuche activists continue, as part of the persecution and criminalization of the Mapuche struggle. At the same time, the delay in the recognition of the territorial claims of the native communities since Law 26,160 in successive governments has meant a defenselessness for them, leaving them at the mercy of land-owning interests. The threat of eviction against the Lof Quemquemtrew and the judicialization of various communities, such as Nahuelpan and others, continues.

The defense of ancestral territory is part of the conquests that were achieved through fighting and that, like labor and environmental rights, are attacked in the service of squeezing the country into the funnel of imperialist plunder.

But above all because of the advantages for looting that the currently approved Base Law opens up to the plunder of a handful of magnates, which includes the RIGI and the disastrous labor and tax reform, and complements the provisions of DNU 70/23 regarding alienation of land and delivery of natural common goods.

This attack on the native communities is an attack on their ancestral rights to the territory they inhabit and claim. We ratify our unconditional support for the territorial claim of the Lof Paillako in the face of the APN’s repeated maneuvers to evict the Community and criminalize its members and spokespersons.

. Mauro Millan, Mapuche lonko
. Moira Millan, Weychafe and Mapuche writer
. Mapuche-Tehuelche Community INAN Kume RUPU
. Kume Rakizuam Compuche Organization
. Free Chair of Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants and Migrants of the UNPSJB
. In Red Code, UNPSJB
. Martin Escalona, ​​councilor PJ Esquel
. Liliana Battistoti
. Bread & Roses
. Infoterritorial
. FM Alas 89.1 community radio station in El Bolsón
. ATECH Executive Board
Pamela Navarrete, Secretary of Human Rights for the Criminalization of Protest group, ATECH
. Rawson residents’ assembly against mega-mining
. Assembly for a Sea free of oil companies Mar Del Plata
. Assembly for the life of Chilecito and Collective of defenders of the water of Famatina, La Rioja
. APDH northwest of Chubut
. CEPRODH, Center of Professionals for Human Rights
. PTS Chubut – Left Front
. Workers’ Party
. Communist Party
. Marabunta
. CTA-A Reg. Trelew/Rawson
. MTE CHUBUT and Frente Patria Grande Chubut
. We Vote Fight Movement Teresa Rodríguez and Fogonerxs
. Movement avoids Trelew
.MST-Left Front Chubut Unit
. Popular power
. Peña Eva Perón de Trelew
Leonardo Arriaga, Councilor and Treasurer of the PJ Trelew Local Council

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