César Huerta, the player who was inspired by his mother to reach the National Team

What you need to know:

‘El Chino’ Huerta is the only member of his family who likes soccer

Cesar ‘El Chino’ Huerta He fulfilled the dream of reaching the Mexican National Team and the next step is Europe. Due to his curly hair and his position on the pitch, Huerta has been nicknamed the ‘Mexican Salah’, and although it took him a long time to achieve stability in Chivas, He has found his place in Pumas, and today he is an unbalanced player.

Vegetable garden He arrived at the university team in 2022 with a profile low and with a secondary role and even a substitute, however, space was made between several foreigners and stood out in those complicated moments of the feline club, during the era of Rafa Puente Junior, and it is that his story is marked from childhood, with his mother, his greatest inspiration.

Chino Huerta was called up to the National Team / Mexsport

Who is Cesar ‘El Chino’ Huerta?

Cesar Saul Huerta Valera He was born on December 3, 2000 in Guadalajara Jalisco, he has three brothers in a family that did not like soccer, although now they are usually present to support him on his way to the next dream. “I have three brothers and I’m the only one who likes soccer.”

Huerta started playing from very young with his kindergarten classmates, and then later he caught the attention of his physical education teacher, who was a coach at a soccer academy, pFor which he invited him to be part of the team and thus began his training.

Chino Huerta and his brothers

Chino Huerta and his brothers

His mother, maximum inspiration

‘El Chino’ Huerta has confessed that he fell completely in love with soccer and dreamed of being a professional player the day he went to a stadium for the first time and it was in Jalisco. His formation was marked by various sacrifices, as his parents they did not always have money to pay for his and his brothers’ tickets.

However, his mother made several sacrifices to get Cesar to training. “My mom has taken all the shit of being behind me with my two younger brothers.”

“If sometimes I don’t want to train anymore, I remember it and it gives me the impulse. It is the memory of my pregnant mother, with my brother in her arms and me in the stroller taking me to train in the afternoons during the transfers in the trucks and that shocked me. Well my mom could tell she was tired, but she never gave up. Now I think that if I could get ahead, I can fulfill my dreams “indicates.

César Huerta arrived at Pumas in 2022

César Huerta arrived at Pumas in 2022 / Mexsport

Europe, the next dream of ‘El Chino’ Huerta

The next goal for ‘El Chino’ Huerta is Europe, which is why he considers that the fact of playing with so many foreign players, both as rivals and with teammates, is a motivation.

“I grew up with both my parents and I didn’t even have money for trucks and my parents managed, so now that I was able to fulfill my dream of playing in First Division, I feel blessed and day by day I wake up with the mentality of growing up and that, If I got to the first, I can fulfill my dreams of being in Europe, in the national team and that keeps me dreaming”. said.

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