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Stanford and the Government of Chile will measure the economic value generated by the Río Bueno in Los Lagos

Led by the Natural Capital Project at Stanford University, together with the Natural Capital Committee, the team will collect information around the forestry, agriculture, tourism and water management of the Bueno River basin.

This marks the beginning of a pilot plan to integrate the Ecosystem services of rivers in the creation of public policies. That is, incorporate the benefits that we obtain from these natural ecosystems, such as water supply, flood control, recreation and tourism, among others, in decision making.

This initiative, supported by the IDB, is being carried out simultaneously in five countries of Latin America, Chile being the first to study the ecosystem services of a river.

The Natural Capital Committee selected the Bueno River basin for this pilot project due to its ecosystem diversity and its close relationship with economic activities such as the forestry industry and agriculture.

Additionally, experts will meet with regional authoritiesmunicipal and representatives of civil society and the private sector, as well as with researchers from various universities.

Natural Capital Committee

The organization was created with the purpose of study biodiversity of the country and its impact on the economy. He is currently chaired by the Ministry of the Environment and his technical secretariat is in charge of the Ministry of Finance.

Its mission is to advise the President of the Republic on measures related to the measurement, valuation, protection and restoration of the natural capital of Chile, with the objective of integrate nature and biodiversity in the creation of public policies.

The Committee is expected to establish a platform that provides environmental information for making financial, budgetary and production decisions, in line with the criteria established by the UN.

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