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Omar Geles and the day they took him off a platform in Ibagué

Once it was known death of singer and composer Ómar Geleson Tuesday night, in the city of Ibagué the people started to remember Through social networks.

Especially, they remember their last presentation in the capital of Tolima, which was last April 6 in a vallenato and popular music eventwhose closing was in charge of the teacher.

Also read: A day of mourning is declared in Cesar for the death of Omar Geles

That day, taking into account that it was already going to be 6:00 in the morning and the first rays of the sun were already appearing in the Ibagueño sky, event organizers turned off the sound and logistics He asked the singer to get off the stage.

However, the artist continued on stage for several more minutes; There he took the opportunity to sing one of his most recognized hits with his followers: ‘When I almost forgot you.’

That sequence It remained engraved in the memory of the Ibaguereños, as well as those attending the concert. coming from other regions of the country, for the dedication and enthusiasm of the teacher with his audience that did not want to let him go.

“First they turned off my sound because until that time it was the permission. My people from Ibagué continued singing my songs a cappella and could not be indifferent“Geles wrote on social networks, to highlight the connection he achieved with the public.

And he added: “I went to sing with them and the police still came to take me down, but I continued singing a cappella with my Ibagueño people. “The police taking me down and the people accompanying me along the way.”

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Furthermore, while Geles left for the vehicle that was going to transport him People chanted his name in unison, which was a sign of admiration for his professionalism. and the show he gave to the public in what was his last concert in the city.

It is so that today Tolima is also in mourning and regrets the death of teacher Omar Geles, who they remember with their musical successes.


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