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Legislature of Córdoba: the ruling party with radical support managed to approve the Spaccesi project and opened a wound in JxC

At 6:00 p.m., Vice Governor Myrian Prunotto reported that 55 legislators were sitting on their benches. In this way, the head of the Chamber indicated that “sufficient quorum was reached to begin the sixth ordinary session” of the Unicameral.

The ruling party managed to agree with the UCR bench on a text with modifications to the controversial draft resolution by libertarian legislator Agustín Spaccesi that establishes 2/3 of the votes to discuss draft plans in the chamber. The changes point to the times that are set for the committee’s discussion of the initiatives.

In this way, the conflict that the majority of the opposition group maintained with the PJ bench to be able to meet was unblocked. It has been more than a month since the Unicameral had held its last plenary session.

The quorum was achieved with the legislators of Hacemos Unidos por Córdoba, the UCR, Construyendo Córdoba and the monoblocs of Karina Bruno and Luciana Echevarría. The curious fact is that Saccessi arrived a few minutes after the session started.

After reaching the required number to enable the plenary session this Wednesday, the hawks of Together for Change (JxC) – who wanted to maintain the position of not giving a quorum – entered the venue to hold the debate. These were the seven judicial legislators and Gregorio Hernández Maqueda (Better Future) and the Peronist K Federico Alesandri (I believe in Córdoba).

The ruling party obtained from the UCR the key to enable the plenary session, but also, on the political side, it opened a wound in the opposition interblock between the hardliners and those who assumed an agreement position based on the changes that were introduced to the libertarian project. that modifies the internal regulations of the Chamber.

The key point that establishes the Spaccesi project that was approved by a large majority (55 positive and 15 negative) is that 2/3 of the votes of the plenary session are needed to discuss a project on tables in the chamber, a modality that until now was widely used by the opposition. That is the essence of the libertarian initiative.

What changed the position of the bulk of radicalism to tip the balance? Espadas of the UCR managed to agree with the parliamentarian of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) and Peronism to introduce changes in the fine print of the finally sanctioned text that pass the deadlines stipulated for the duration of the treatment of the initiatives in commissions.

A project – sponsored by its author – will have a period of no more than 45 days (the original text indicated 60) to be dispatched by the respective commission and passed to the venue for debate.

If this point is not met, you can request treatment on tables, three days before the session “in which its treatment is intended and will require a simple majority of the votes cast to open its treatment.”

If the established deadlines are not met, the president of the commission is sanctioned with a reduction in his diet of 12% for each week of delay.

After more than three hours of debate, at times heated, with positions for and against, the vote was taken. There were 55 affirmative votes (PJ, UCR, Construyendo Córdoba, LLA and Block Cordobés). The Civic Front, the PRO and the legislators Hernández Maqueda, Alesandri, Rodrigo Agrelo (EVC), Luciana Echevarría (FIT) and the radical Carlos Briner spoke out against it.

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