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Malena Galmarini attacked Milei after the event at Luna Park


The former head of Aysa Malena Galmarini questioned the president Javier Milei after the show that the president did this Wednesday at the Luna Park stadium, where he presented his book “Capitalism, socialism and the neoclassical trap.” “There is no bread? So let there be a lot of circus!”held.

In an extensive message on her X account, the former official evaluated the president’s attitude after the act he led and considered that the leader of La Libertad Avanza (LLA) is “the president who didn’t want to be president and just wanted to be powerful”. “I didn’t want to destroy ‘the caste’, just belong to it. That State that gave him no place, that marginalized him,” he added.

In that sense, he defined the head of the Executive as “a man with a heart full of holes and a brain infarcted with hatred” and considered that the country is “hostage” to “a guy who only wants ratings and to be the most watched program.”

“He is blinded by the lights of the center. He is trapped by “red carpet syndrome”: is addicted to likes because it is the closest thing he had to the affection of those around him”he continued.

Given the dimensions of the activity, where militants, Cabinet members and pro-government deputies and allies participated, Sergio Massa’s wife remarked that “Argentina is collapsing in the meantime” and supported her statement with a series of numbers alluding to the economy. .

“In just five months, poverty rose ten points, poverty doubled, the average salary fell 17%, more than 150,000 jobs were destroyed,” he listed and assured that also “the dollar is slipping away and the country risk is slipping away,” he detailed. Galmarini and accused him of plagiarizing “a book that he presents with great fanfare,” as well as enjoying “the pain of others.”

At the end, the leader of the Renovador Front addressed Milei directly to remind her that, “in addition to the presidential plane, the secretary and the driver,” Rivadavia’s chair “comes with the pen to manage for the common good of the society that “He voted for it.”

”Honor the place you sought and were given. It comes with prerogatives and responsibilities! ‘Let him get his act together and run the country,’ as his boss told him,” he concluded in reference to the businessman’s statements. Eduardo Eurnekian after his participation in the Inter-American Council of Commerce and Production (Cicyp).

With a brief repertoire based on themes from La Renga and supported by a band that he put together especially for this occasion, Milei presented the book with an act in Luna Park, which included a part dedicated specifically to the book and another to music. Milei, who had initially thought about the premiere of her brand new work on the 12th of this month, at the Book Fair, finally opted for an event that brought together some characteristics of traditional party events to receive the support of her followers. .


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