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La Salina Women’s Association made possible a license for the community radio broadcasting service » PRENSA LIBRE CASANARE

The ICT Ministry granted the viability for community radio licenses to an organized community in the department of Casanare, which seeks to ensure that this population has the sound broadcasting service as a channel of information and local development.

The department may have its license, prior to compliance with the granting requirements, from the La Salina Women’s Association (Asomulsa), of the municipality of La Salina.

In total, 98 communities in 22 departments were made viable in the country. The benefited communities, in addition to Casanare, are located in Atlántico, with 3; Antioquia, with 8; Bolívar, with 5; Boyacá, with 25; Caquetá, 2; Caldas, 1; Casanare, 1; Cauca, 8; Caesar 2; Córdoba, 2; Cundinamarca, 8; Huila, 4; Magdalena, 1; Goal, 4; Nariño, 8; North Santander, 4; Putumayo, 2; Risaralda, 1; Santander, 2; Sucre, 1, Tolima, 4, and Valle del Cauca, 2.

In the Call for Community Radio Stations, 185 radio channels were offered for the same number of municipalities, and 305 communities from 170 municipalities applied.

All information about the results of the call can be consulted at the link:

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