Saint Joseph Caffaso Day: what is its history and what is its history

Saint Joseph Caffaso Day: what is its history and what is its history
Saint Joseph Caffaso Day: what is its history and what is its history

In the saints this Sunday, June 23, 2024, the Catholic Church commemorates the life and work of Saint Joseph Cafasso, a priest of the 14th century. Although the exact date of his birth is not known, it is known that he lived in an era marked by Jansenism and regalism.

Saint Joseph Cafasso faced the rigorism that prevailed at that time, which marked a separation between God and humanity, making difficult the relationship with a God seen as a loving Father. Despite this, andThis saint dedicated himself to priestly ministry and challenged the rigorous sacramental practices of the time.

Cafasso was born into a peasant family in Castelnuovo di Asti in 1811 and was ordained a priest in Turin in 1834. He spent his life at the ecclesiastical boarding school in the Piedmontese capital, of which he became director. He was a companion and spiritual father of Don Bosco (1815-1888).

In the words of Benedict XVI, Saint Joseph Cafasso “…was above all a trainer of parish priests and diocesan priests, even more, of holy priests, among them Saint John Bosco. He did not found religious institutes, his ‘foundation’ was the ‘school of life and priestly holiness’.”

Tradition says that he spoke naturally about the end of life, the value of time, the salvation of the soul and the fight against sin.. His message focused on eternal truths, the importance of receiving the sacraments frequently, the need to detach oneself from the world and he did all this in a climate of cordiality, healthy optimism and confidence in the goodness of God manifested in Christ.

He stood out as confessor of Saint John Bosco and other Salesian and diocesan priests. Father Cafasso is known for his dedication to his priestly ministry and for his love of the Eucharist, as well as for his defense of prisoners condemned to death, to whom he had to administer Holy Communion, before their executions in the Turin prison, of which he was chaplain.

He died in that Italian city in 1860, at the age of 49, victim of a long illness.. His disciple John Bosco officiated at his funeral. He was beatified on May 3, 1925 by Pius XI and canonized on June 22, 1947 by Pius XII..

Prayer to Saint Joseph Cafasso

Dear Saint Joseph Cafasso, You, who were the apostle of the bricklayers, of the imprisoned, of those condemned to death, of the poor people of your time, make those who are in a life of misery feel the love of God close to them.

We especially commend to you those who have the prison of sin in their hearts Or who are imprisoned by their errors; Intercede for all sincere repentance And the power of God’s Mercy.

Intercede for us the gift of sincere faith, of living hope, of faithful charity.

Grant us from the Lord, through your powerful intercession, the graces that our lives need, care for and protect our loved ones.

Saint Joseph Cafasso Pray for us!

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