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The star guests present at Milei’s event at Luna Park


Senior government officials, allies, influential figures without office, important leaders of business entities and some celebrities were present at the presentation of the president’s new book Javier Mileiwith musical show included, in the Luna Park.

Patricia Bullrich She arrived early with her husband, Guillermo Yancoand the national deputies of Pro Damian Arabia and Sabrina Ajmechetfrom the circle of confidence of the Minister of Security.

Patricia Bullrich with her husband, Guillermo Yanco, and the national deputies Damián Arabia and Sabrina Ajmechet.

The Secretary of Environment, Tourism and Sports, Daniel Scioli, returned to the mythical stadium where he closed his campaign for the 2015 presidential elections that had him as a candidate for the national Executive for the Front for Victory. Today mixed among the people unlike that time, He took some photos with followers of the libertarian.

Daniel Scioli at Luna ParkSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

Zulema Menemdaughter of the former president Carlos Menem, also took photos among the public. With a good relationship with Milei, last week he participated in the placement of the bust of her father and gave a speech alongside the president at Casa Rosada.

Zulemita Menem at Luna Park, prior to Javier Milei’s eventSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

Federico Sturzenegger He also gave the present. The former president of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic (BCRA), despite not having a position, was one of the authors of DNU 70/2023 and is a transcendental figure in the design of the reforms that the president intends to implement.

Federico SturzeneggerSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

The libertarian militant Iñaki Gutiérrez, who manages the President’s Tik Tok account, was another of the attendees. Dressed in a suit, Gutiérrez lowered his profile after some false steps in communication at the beginning of the Government.

The public at Luna Park, prior to Javier Milei’s eventSantiago Filipuzzi – LA NACION

Once the event had begun, in addition to Bullrich, Milei’s parents were seen in the front row: Norberto Milei and Alicia Luján Lucich. Next to them he stood Martin Menem, president of the Chamber of Deputies. Just further back, among other leaders, the national legislator could also be seen. Hernan Lombardiformer head of the Public Media System during the presidency of Mauricio Macri.

Norberto Milei, Martín Menem, Patricia Bullrich in the front row

The General Secretary of the Presidency, Karina Milei, was obviously another of the attendees. Very early, when Luna Park was still almost empty, she entered with several officials, including Eugenia Rolónone of his advisors, with whom he took a photo inside the stadium.

Eugenia Rolón and Karina Mileix

The president of the Argentine Rural Society (SRA), Nicolas Pino, was another of the figures who attended the musical show and presentation of the book by the head of the national Executive. Minutes before she answered questions from the press. She avoided commenting on whether there is an exchange delay and assured that she hopes “that the removal of the stocks occurs as quickly as possible, the Government has told us that we are on our way to that”.

The head of the SRA also stated that “Taxes in the countryside are high, not only in the countryside, but throughout Argentina” and said that producers will liquidate their harvests in a similar dimension to what they did in previous years: “La Rural has a study done that in the last six, eight years the behavior of producers with regard to sales at the time of harvest has been repeated by 30, 30-odd percent and that is what that will surely be fulfilled.”

Nicolás Pino, president of the Rural Society, before entering Luna Park.

The actress Amalia “Yuyito” González, an iconic figure in the 80s and 90s, was another of the celebrities who attended. She sat next to the Minister of Human Capital, Sandra Pettovello and very close to the vice president, Victoria Villarrueland the Minister of Defense, Luis Petriwho attended with his partner, the journalist Cristina Perez.

Sandra Pettovello, Yuyito González and Victoria Villarruel

Pettovello took a photo with the Minister of Economy, Luis Caputoone of the most acclaimed by libertarian militants, and the national representative Lilia Lemoinewho released the image.

Lilia Lemoine, Luis Caputo and Sandra Pettovello.

Near the officials was the pro-government senator Vilma Facunda Bedia, who rose to fame a couple of months ago for having hired at least seven family members in his office. Today one of his children, Jose Mamanicontinues as an employee in his office, like his niece Daiana Llanes.

Senator Vilma Facunda Bedia, along with other officials.


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