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The harsh story of Cáritas Mendoza: There are hungry people

“There are people who are hungry. It means not having the resources to eat or having much fewer resources to eat, or a lower quality of food, which translates into always eating the same thing and generally grains and carbohydrates,” Haddad noted. “There are people who are hungry. It means not having the resources to eat or having much fewer resources to eat, or a lower quality of food, which translates into always eating the same thing and generally grains and carbohydrates,” Haddad noted.


In this context of economic difficulty for a large number of the Argentine population, They ask “to be supportive and get closer to others”.

“We always ask for the same thing, realize that there are many people with very delicate situations“, they maintained from Cáritas.

Against hunger: the Annual Cáritas Collection begins

Rosa María Rómoli, director of Cáritas Mendoza, explained to Andean Media that they have detected “an increase in demand for food, clothing, and homeless people“.

“We are now entering the time of Caritas Annual Collection, which is our most important fundraising moment. The collection is money, whether in cash, bank transfers, market payment. In any case, you can also collaborate in the parishes with other types of elements, with clothing, with food,” he said.

And I add: “We have had, in recent times, a great lack of food donations and the donation of food is important. “Here at headquarters we are open to receiving everything that has to do with the home, also with education (notebooks, pencils).”

The Annual Collection of Cáritas Argentina You will receive donations through the website. In turn, the parishes of Mendoza will begin to distribute the envelopes at masses, starting this weekend.

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The collection specifically is June 8 and 9 nationwide. In Mendoza, by authorization of the Bishop, they will begin this Saturday. “You are going to see people on the streets, at the traffic lights, young people perhaps dressed up, families who are also going to be in the parish areas, but also in the large commercial units,” said Rómoli.

Volunteers will be duly identified, with ballot boxes duly marked with security strips. “We are in a time when we all have to take care of each other,” said Rómoli.


You may also be interested in reading: Collapsed shelters and families on the streets: the harsh reality of the crisis in Mendoza

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