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Medicine, Nursing and IT, the studies with the most jobs and the best salaries

The three Spanish university studies that encompass the two elements that best guarantee a priori a good professional future, high employability and the highest salaries, are the degrees linked to the areas of Medicine, Nursing and Computer Engineering.

With the official data of graduates in 2018 and their employment progress monitored in 2022 by Social Security, the CYD Ranking has built a tool of interest for the 250,000 Baccalaureate students who between this week and next are going to take the EBAU and who are fighting by the tenths and hundredths of the grade that will or will not allow them to access the degree they want to study. The search engine tells them what employability and salary the studies they like have and also allows them to compare them with the data of two other options.

The queen of the classification is Medicine studies. It is the area most desired by students, to the point that it has the highest cut-off marks, which usually leads to more than ten applicants for each first-year place. But in addition, four years after graduating, over 92% of the students work and average around 40,000 gross euros per year.

It is followed, although at some distance, by another successful couple, Nursing and Computer Engineering. The second major studies in the health sciences family also have enviable employability, 91% after four years and an annual salary of 34,200 euros on that date. It is a salary practically identical to that of computer engineers (34,207 euros gross), who have a very good employment rate, but a little lower (87.7%).

The third leading block is made up of Mathematics, Electrical Engineering and Pharmacy. The three areas of knowledge have 86% of their graduates with a job four years after finishing their studies, with Mathematics and engineering with salaries between 33,304 and 33,207 euros and with pharmacists at 31,391. All three are well above the employment and salary averages of the 30 areas, 78% and 27,878 euros.

Above 80% employability are Agricultural Engineering (85.7%), Education (83.7%), Civil Engineering (83.4%), Industrial Engineering (82.6%), Mechanical Engineering (82.4% ), Chemical Engineering (82.4%), Social Work (82.2%), Chemistry (80.9%) and Materials Engineering (80%). In the tail section, below 70% of those hired, are graduates from the fields of Sociology (67%), Political Science (66.6%), History (63.7%), Dentistry (61.4%). %) and Law (61.2%).

Low percentage of STEM

The areas linked to STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) are those with the highest employment rate. Despite this, in Spain there is a lower percentage of graduates in these degrees (18.8%) compared to the European average (25.1%). On the contrary, in Spain there are twice as many graduates in Education (15.7%) and a higher percentage of health and services students (17.7%) than in the EU.

Above 30,000 euros gross, in addition to the six highlighted areas, are the engineering branches of Mechanical (31,643), Industrial (31,474), Materials (31,450) and Civil (30,370). On the contrary, at the bottom of the ranking of future professionals are the graduates who, four years later, receive an average salary of less than 25,000 euros per year. They are Biology (24,772), Education (24,527), Physiotherapy (24,341), Earth Sciences (24,022) and, closing the list, Journalism (23,480).

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