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Governor of Córdoba warns that the continuity of the PAE would depend on the National Government


He Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara expressed once again concern at the lack of response from the National government regarding the project that the departmental government filed to give continuity to the School Feeding Program (PAE)which benefits more than 173 thousand students from the 27 non-certified municipalities.

According to the departmental leader, Students would go three months without school meals in this section of the country.

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“We have PAE until June 7 or 8, fortunately the children will go on vacation these days. We are saying that the boys, girls and young people of the department of Córdoba could receive school meals again in the month of October; They run out of PAE in July, August and September and it is not the governor’s fault because the project was filed in the state a month and a half ago. Ministry of Education“said the president.

In recent days, during the First Public Table of the PAE in the municipality of Ciénaga de Oro, Governor Erasmo Zuleta Bechara also asked the National Government to prioritize the project that the Government of Córdoba had presented so that The program that provides the food supplement will begin in the second semester of the year, along with the school calendar.


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