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They will boost the popular economy in the Atlantic through

Within the framework of the commemoration of the 119 years of the Atlántico, which is celebrated this June 15, the Exposolidaria strategy was presented that seeks to promote in the department, the strengthening of the popular economy, that is, those microentrepreneurs who dedicate themselves to tasks basic within the economic scale and who live on the minimum sustenance to take home.

With this initiative, which is thanks to an alliance between the Government of Atlántico, the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla and the Solidarity Superintendence, the fair will take place this June 14 and 15 in the Plaza de La Paz, where 100 popular entrepreneurs from different sectors and municipalities, which in addition to exposing their products and services, will generate a social impact meeting with leaders of the national government, speakers, cooperatives and popular associations.

It is important to mention that Exposolidaria is one of the main actions or starting point of one of the most important bets of the administration of Governor Eduardo Verano, which will have continuity for this population in a great project in which the business community and the public sector.

“It is important to give all the advantages we can, all the support we can, to the people who build an economy, which is the economy we have to promote the most. We want to talk about an economy that is the economy that is made and built by people who have a series of businesses that are totally different because they are part of day-to-day economic structures of entrepreneurship,” said Verano.

The departmental leader highlighted the work that small business owners have been doing to support their families and generate employment. “Let it be felt that in the Atlantic there is the conviction, there is the knowledge, that we give support to that economy, which means that they will surely move forward.”

Manuel Fernández, president of the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce, mentioned that this strategy is possible thanks to the combined efforts of all the allies to bring those 100 businessmen from various municipalities of the department of Atlántico, this June 14 and 15, to the Peace Square.

“This event is to make it easier for you, first of all, to reach the Plaza de la Paz with your products and services. Second, bring to them all the institutional, public-private offer in the country, so that they know how they can process a loan, how they can get guarantees, low rates, how they can get their QR, their commercial page, to sell online” said Fernandez.

In 2023, the Barranquilla Chamber of Commerce served 18,014 productive units in the Atlantic with its programs and services; So far this year, there are already 7,134 accompanied production units.

Karina Llanos, manager of Social Capital of the Government of the Department of Atlántico, indicated that the Solidarity Economy Fair, Exposolidaria, was born in coordination with three great allies at the national level, which is the Superintendence of Solidarity Economy, the Chamber of Commerce of Barranquilla as private and the Government of the Department of Atlántico.

“We are working as a team in this Popular Economy Fair to precisely strengthen and support popular economy enterprises, especially those that are found or those that were born as a result of a social exercise to overcome poverty. What we want is to accompany and help them in their training processes for entrepreneurship as such, for micro-enterprises, precisely so that poverty can be overcome in the sectors where they are located or where they move,” he said.

The official maintained that the idea is precisely that all sectors of the economy such as agriculture, gastronomy, beauty, jewelry, and services in the Department of Atlántico participate in these exercises. “According to Dane figures, in the Department of Atlántico, around 90% of the business fabric or structure is made up of micro-enterprises, micro-enterprises and many of these are not even formalized, meaning that there is, as such, an under-registration, that is “There are many more microenterprises or enterprises that are not formalized and those that need this support.”

He explained that this is a first fair that is being brought forward, but that there will be other activities to continue strengthening the popular economy.

“We are doing this within the framework of a program as such that we have called the Atlantic Mission, which is aimed at overcoming poverty and food security. Just like this popular economy fair, we are carrying out a social route in which we visit all the municipalities of the Department of Atlántico to bring the government’s service and institutional offer. The businesses that were not able to participate in this fair can come when we visit their municipality to also register for the next popular economy fair that we estimate we can hold at the end of the year,” he mentioned.

For the Superintendent of Solidarity Economy, María José Navarro, who will accompany the process and will have a space in the academic day, she indicated that she will seek coordination with entities that can promote the solidarity sector. “We are the supervisory entity, but we are providing tools so that entities can accompany the strengthening of cooperatives, mutual associations and the funds used, which is the sector that we monitor,” she said.

After the installation of Exposolidaria Atlántico in the Cubo de Cristal, on June 14, an academic agenda will be held parallel to the fair day with advice on good associative practices, trends in the sector and strategies for strengthening, productivity and competitiveness of solidarity economies, access to financing, strengthening of entrepreneurship, social services, among others.

Verónica Cantillo, Secretary of Culture of the Atlántico, mentioned that her portfolio was added with the participation of different folklore groups that will accompany the days of June 14 and 15.

“With this entire cultural agenda we want to strengthen this fair that will undoubtedly be very important for all our entrepreneurs and that will generate a lot of profits, especially on this Father’s Day weekend. So we hope that all Atlantic residents will join us and come and buy their gifts and souvenirs at this fair,” Cantillo added.

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