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Piojó Beach, in the top 10 of the best rural beaches

Punta Astilleros beach, located in the municipality of Piojó, has been internationally recognized in the 2024 Best Beaches Ranking, ranking eighth among the best rural beaches in the world. In addition, it ranked tenth among the best beaches in the Caribbean and reached first position as the best rural beach in Colombia.

The recognition was delivered after an evaluation carried out by Dick Acuña Hereira, an expert in beach planning and evaluator of the Atlántico department. The methodology used in the study includes an analysis of recreational values, coastal protection, ecosystem conservation and sanitary quality.

”It took two months working on around 68 parameters and for me it is a pride to achieve that Punta Astilleros beach occupied three important positions at the national and international level. What satisfaction to be able to say that we achieved it after sacrifice, time and study,” said Acuña.

Governor Eduardo Verano highlighted the natural beauty of the place and indicated that although the department is not seen as a strong destination in beach tourism, it is necessary to turn our eyes towards environments with a rich landscape that is highly appreciated by nationals and foreigners. .

“There is a lot we have to do for these little-visited ecosystems that need sustainable intervention with the environment and in Piojó what there is are wonderful places where you can go bird watching and hiking,” said the departmental leader.

The departmental administration also indicated that a recognition is a testimony of the commitment of the local community and authorities to the preservation of the natural environment and the quality of its services.

”We are very happy from the Atlantic Government for this recognition. An important mention must be made to the community who have been working hard, and of course to the Mayor’s Office of Piojó, for all the support so that today we are the number one rural beach in Colombia,” exclaimed Jaime Alfaro de Castro, undersecretary of Tourism of the department.

It should be noted that the beaches of Turipaná and Playa Mendoza, located in the municipality of Tubará, have also been recognized in the national ranking, occupying second and fourth place, respectively, among the best beaches in Colombia. These achievements highlight the joint effort of the community, local authorities and organizations dedicated to environmental conservation and sustainable development.

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