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Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital is ready to discharge extremely premature triplets born at 31 weeks of gestation – Radio Festival

Jesús, Simón and Esteban are triplets and have been hospitalized for more than a month in the Neonatology Intensive Care Unit of the Dr. Gustavo Fricke SSVQP Hospital.. They were born in April with only 31 weeks of gestation, which makes them extremely premature, considered high-risk patients. Fortunately, they have evolved optimally, overcoming complexities such as their weight, which after the cesarean section, was 1,900 grams.

The attending physician and resident of Neonatology at the Dr. Gustavo Fricke Hospital, Carol Garrido, explains the state of the brothers, who are visited daily by their parents who come from Cabildo. “They have a good weight gain, they have managed to overcome many complications associated with prematurity and fortunately they managed to evolve in a very favorable way and currently, they are already prior to discharge. Most likely, in a few weeks, if everything continues to go well, they will be able to be at home where their parents are looking forward to them.”

Dr. Garrido He adds that these infants have required intense multidisciplinary work. “Very exhaustive management is required from the medical point of view, from midwives, from technicians. We also have an important rehabilitation team that includes speech therapists, occupational therapists and kinesiologists, who together have done a jeweler’s job, so to speak, because the truth is that these triplets have done very well.”

Camila Tapia She is the mother of the newborns and says that she found out that there were 3 when the pregnancy was advanced. “When I found out I was eight weeks old and I had a placental abruption so I started bleeding, bleeding and I had to stay at home rather. They told us that my babies would probably not be born, that I was going to lose them, that they saw it as a spontaneous abortion; My husband and I were sad, we didn’t want to get our hopes up. Many things crossed our minds because everyone said that these babies could come with malformations, that they were going to have many problems, that they probably would not live and it is a miracle from God, I mean, the entire Cabildo has been praying for them, they have had a super big evolution.”

Although Camila and her husband travel to the hospital every day to be with their children, she is grateful for the dedication that the various professionals have had with them, in all those hours when they cannot accompany them. “Here at the hospital they have been treated very well, my little ones have been good fighters and I always say that it is because of God’s help that they are here.”

For its part, Ricardo Escobar, father of Jesús, Simón and Estebanexpressed himself happy after the news that they will soon be able to be home. “We are fine now with the doctor, with the news she gave us the other day that they have already gained weight, they are already breathing on their own and that gives us joy as a family too, looking forward to them. Everything is ready, we already have the cribs and his brothers are also looking forward to them. Everyone was supportive to us; It was difficult if we traveled more than 200 kilometers every day, 100 there and 100 here.”

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